And then I finally got off my lazy buttocks and uploaded all the photos from Otakon!
So on the first day, Friday, we got super-duper stuck in traffic. While the guy driving got really frustrated, I managed to get this picture of local architecture. I don't know what building this is, but architecture is fascinating, isn't it? I like pillars and white marble and such very much.
LET THE PHOTOGRAPHS BEGIN. This is Quina Quen, a Blue Mage from Final Fantasy Nine. She's a blue mage who learns enemy spells by DEVOURING THEM WHOLE. Mmm, zombie flesh! Wait, isn't that a little bit backwards? Anyway, Quina Quen is supposed to be a Gourmand, which always makes me giggle. MM RAW FROG.
And this guy is a handmade Jinjo, who was part of a contest that I didn't win--essentially, we had to take a Photo of six different jinjos. Jinjos are from Banjo Kazooie, and show up in a rainbow of colors in every stage. Oh well...
And THIS awesome costume is a Bug Catcher! It's hard to tell, but he's got five bug Pokemon plushies in that net--we met at a booth in the dealer's room, where he was picking up Garvantula and Dwebble.
This is a REALLY DAMN FINE making of the Zora's Tunic from Twilight Princess. This link is set to rock, that's for sure.
I will be entirely candid here. I have NO idea who this is. None. None none none. But this costume is seventy million pounds of awesome. If anyone knows who this is, telllll meeeeee.
And THIS is an interesting one, to be sure. This is several of the AI sphere Cores from the Portal Universe. I only snagged this half-body shot, because it was a crowded hallway...
And one shot of the Royal Couple. I have a head-and-torso shot, too, but no sense cluttering this post even more than it already will be. These costumes shined, just a touch--that really bright look, you know?
And that is all the photos from the fridayz!
Starting things off incredibly classy, we have BAD BOX ART MEGAMAN! I had the biggest geek moment, when I realized this would be my very first day two costume spotted out. I thought it was fantastic, right? His friend was also really nicely done, who was playing as:
This was his friend, a lovely Princess Mononoke who was kind enough to look really, really ticked off on request. Hee, I love it when people play along, don't you? But that was nothing compared with my next photo.
CID! CID! And not just ANY cid, but FINAL FANTASY FOUR Cid! Retro powaaaa! This guy's so boss it's hilarious. He even did up a silly silly facemask and the goggles are fantastic! These last three shots were my very beginning of day two, and that was fantastic--it really made me feel like great things were to come.
IN NO WAY WAS I DISSAPPOINT. This is Susano, carrying one of the Contest Jinjo--I also got a shot of the red one, but it was super blurry and Dyzz deleted it before I could upload it, which is okay. Susano himself is an AWESOME CHARACTER from Okami, one of the most gorgeous video games I have ever had the pleasure of playing. I should really really get a copy and play through it some day. Susano's kind of a layabout, but this guy's pose just blew me away. Or it WOULD have, if not for---
These guys--Susano, Waka, the wandering priest, there in the middle, and an anthropomorphic Amaterasu, are ALL from Okami. SHot just a few seconds after the last one, this shot is awesome, and the best part is that NONE OF THEM CAME TOGETHER. <3 My god I love cons so so so much.
PREPARE FOR TROUBLE LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN~ Jeez, I wonder how much hair spray this took? Yeesh! What a convincing one, though. I was stunned.
This just blew me away, too. You know, I heard a story from con--Nidoran (male) and Nidoran (female) went there costumed up together, and the guy proposed! The ring was in A POKEBALL. OMG, nerd romance rules. You caught my heart~--Oh, right! This is Nidorina, the Poison Pin Pokemon, and a very well done one. Kitti and I joke about Monnies existing in the games, but costumes like this always really do impress me.
THREE DAYS. Yet another good god what an awesome costume. Majora's so creepy~--
So the con information staff tried something new this year. I love it! Everyone seemed really impressed and went wild over these, and it was a huge help for people looking for staffers. Man, this look is so cool. Postmanlike! I think the girl in this shot is adorable, anyway, don't you?
What are you talking about I don't see anything what are you even~
And here's a shot of that other princess, Daisy of Saharsalaland. She needs another proper starring role, I think. So does Pauline. Peach needs some competition, you know what I mean? It's not like princess monopolies are beneficial for anybody.
This link is loaded for bear oh shit oh shit oh shit~ In addition to the Biggoron's sword (Owner's comment? NEVER AGAIN) and Zora's Tunic, I'd like to draw your attention to the Ocarina of time, half-hidden behind his badge. I have a shot of the Mirror Shield (!) on his back, as well, but it came out too blurry and someone wiped it off the camera. ¬¬ (If I say "don't delete the ones not from homestuck"...) They had a backup, but it's a pain to get that uploaded to Photobucket and into order, you know? He even had a Bottled Fairy!
And THIS is Freya Crescent, another FFIX character. This cosplay just made me stare--not only are the clothes perfect and very detailed, but check out the gloves and feet--claws!--and that tail, but because it's hard to see from this angle...
LOOK AT THAT HAT. AND THAT SPEAR HEAD. And that MASK. This is the kind of detailing that never, ever fails to amaze me, and make me a little jealous. I wish I had any talent for this sort of thing. Talent, of course, being code for hard work, money, time, effort, willingness to get off my ass...
AND THEN THIS HAPPENED OMG. According to the person who was on them, he has to move constantly or he'll lose balance, and it's exhausting, but holy CRAP, you know? THE LONG FALL BOOT. I wish I'd gotten a closeup of those boots because HOLY CRAP!!
Cubone, the Lonely Pokemon, and Marowak, the Bone Keeper Pokemon. I got these guys just before I went down an escalator, and I'm not crazy about the angle of the shot, but holy COW the costumes look nice. GRR! Another set of people entirely willing to pose by request. So cool~! Don't you love it when people get into character like that?
Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, AKA Wild Tiger, from TIGER AND BUNNY! This show is fantastic. We also see two Karina Lyles, AKA Blue Rose, and a completely in-character shot of Ivan Karelin, also known as Oragami Crane--his schtick is to essentially photobomb all the other heroes, which makes his sponsors very, very happy... But check out the show!
And that was the photos from Day Two--Saturday. Only Sunday is left, and sunday ends at two to three, so...
First photo of Day three and OMG DO NOT OPEN THE BOX WHY DID YOU OPEN THE BOX!! Whole body costumes like this one always strike me as hot and a little stuffy. I hope that the people inside are remembering to drink lots of water and not push themselves too hard... In prior years, I've seen Tonberries and Mettaurs that take this approach.
Maybe if we slip by quietly it won't come after us. Also known as Side Shot.
This is actually a line. Seeing lines like this one up to hours before some events never really surprise me, because jeebus, AMVs and autographs and... well, you get the idea.
AYLA SMASH PUNY REPTITE~ This is an awesome costume, but what the hell, me--could you have PICKED a worse angle to take a photo of her club? Oh well. Costumes like this seem a little breezy. Do you think it's better to have a breezy, modesty-challenging costume, or a whole body stuffy one, readers?
And here we have the other side of the spectrum. This poor worn out Dedede is tired, as we all are, day three of Otakon. Maybe they'll try and get dat kirby later on. God, that hammer made me squeal, though. Secretly? I'm a super-duper-hooper Big-Ass-Hammer fan. Shhh, it's a secret, and kind of an embarrassing one!
And THIS was something we spotted in Artist's alley on day three. It was a huge, HUGE design, and it made me go dang, yo, as such things tend to do.
And from another angle, to give you some sense of the scales involved. Whoo!
I had to get this one as a love letter for Kitti. Yet another person happy to pose! "On the count of three, say BETTER ZAN MAMA~" --And they totally did! Hee. Cons are full of awesome, awesome people.
You never know how much you've got until it's gone. ;_; I miss you, Navi! If I need to explain where this one's from, you haven't been paying any attention at all.
Ha ha ha ha! I forgot that it did this--Gods above, I love it when they get into it, don't you? Look at these shots! Since you insist, Navi, I'll tell 'em. Navi is the Fairy guide from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and one of the most infamous helper characters of all time.
And this is Shizuo Heiwajima, a crazy bastard from Durarara! If you haven't seen this show, I cannot recommend it hard enough.
And this is the last shot from the con, one of BLACK STAR, the Man who would Surpass God. He's from Soul Eater, which is one of the most stylized anime I know. Give it a look, if you haven't!
And those were my shots from the con! Soooo many shots. My next post is gonna be more work; I need to clear the table so I can get photos of MAH LOOT. Until next time, folks!