I know how you're feeling Luis! When I came back from Florida all my friends were pretty much "gone". We didn't seem to have anything to talk about anymore because they had all stayed here and been together while I was gone. It sucked pond water for a while, but in the end you get the chance to see who is willing to make the effort and who is too busy for you. I hope that little bit of regret passes soon, there's no reason to regret living life to the best of your ability! :-D
mi dispiace molto sentire che ti senti un albero falso plastico ;) Simona ti saluta, sta bene, e manda baci anche a Korin...volevo vedervi due settimane fa quando stavo a SC, purtroppo non mi sono accorta che avevo il tuo numero fino a quando dovevo partire, comunque, andiamo a "geocachare" appena trovo un gps!! ti consiglio due cose che mi aiutano: i. pappa col pomodoro, ii. francesco renga a volume fortissimo, col finestra aperta. un abbracione, liz
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