May 09, 2015 13:00
by Soledad
Fandom: Star Trek - Enterprise/Whoniverse x-over
Genre: Action-adventure, Alternate Universe, Romance
Rating: T, for now
Series: None really, though this can eventually become the pilot to a couple of stories set in the same alternate universe.
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry, first and foremost, and secondly whoever happens to have the rights at the moment. It's hard to follow. I don't own anything just a few secondary characters and the alternate plot idea.
Alternate Enterprise universes have been created many times, mostly by devoted Star Trek fans who were affronted by the canon divergences of the show and disappointed by the regurgitated plotlines. I've created such an AU myself, starting with an alternate pilot and the promise of possible later stories.
The basic premise if that universe was: what if Archer had been somebody more like Torchwood's Jack Harkness? Without the immortality but with the competence, the charisma, the good looks and the larger-than-life personality? In short: with everything canon!Archer seemed to lack so much. Well, not the competence, perhaps, but definitely the rest of it,
But if I had a Jack Harkness look-alike, I couldn't really go without a Ianto Jones of some sort. So I recast Crewman Daniels to make him more enigmatic and to create some chemistry between him and Archer. As the next step, I changed Hoshi's background, giving her one similar to that of Torchwood's Toshiko. Then I caught myself bringing back the other Torchwood characters, though in different roles.
At this point I decided that - while I still kept that particular AU - an Enterprise/Whoniverse crossover of some sort would be fun. The Temporal Cold War offered the ideal starting point for that. It would be so much easier to explain when rivalling Time Lords would be pulling the strings from the background.
Of course, with the Enterprise events taking place a century and a half after Torchwood ended, I would be playing with the - hypothetical - offspring of the original TW characters. With one exception: Ianto, whose unnecessary and undignified death in CoE made me swear off Torchwood entirely. So I decided to bring him back, with the help of my favourite Doctor, who was also written out way too early.
How it is possible? Well, timey-wimey, remember? Besides, this is an AU.
dr who,
st enterprise,