This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, well, the Loki-haters, but that's it.
I was wasting time on the internet, which I normally do. I came across a myspace profile with a picture of Loki. Underneath that said "EEEK! She has a picture of Loki on her page!! For all of you so called Heathens who are thinking this now I just want you to know that I think you're nothing but a bunch of XIANS wearing a heathen mask. We have no devils in our beliefs. In this day and age with all of you phonies claiming our religion, Loki comes in quite handy when it's time to reveal who you really are."
It reminds me of when Greg Fink posted on one of the yahoo groups that we need to appreciate Loki more. I have met heathens that hail Loki, and those that refuse to say his name.
I ADMIT IT! I'VE HAILED LOKI! My house didn't blow up, and my dog didn't die. Yeah, some odd things happened, BUT MY LIFE DIDN'T TURN TO SHIT. Why must heathens hiss and boo at Loki? If you hail Odin, you hail Loki, it's in the sagas! It's as though heathens refuse to remember that Loki represented the recreation, the fun in life. He went with Thor all the time, who killed Jotuns for fun. That was to "protect the earth and keep the balance." Loki, the fun-loving prankster, provides balance as well. He was accepted by the gods. Don't give me that "Loki-is-a-Jotun" crap. So was Skadi. Thor had children by a giantess. (I'm not saying we should worship the Jotuns, it's the fact that some of the giants are accepted by the gods, and we should honor their opinions.)
And that reminds me, if you want to talk trash about a god, why not Odin? He is Valfather, god of war! Or Freyja, who whored herself to four dwarves for jewelry? Don't bash Loki. Don't make him out to be something entirely evil. He is necessary. I know that he helps bring about Ragnarok, but the other gods are involved as well.
Get over the prejudice that Loki must be hated or even feared. It is a foolish way of thinking, and I've grown weary of all the blaming and bashing of Loki.