Drunkie P harassing Poor Rina! ( *^艸^)

Jan 14, 2009 21:47

Konbachiwa oTOMOdachi! I went out with my friends tonight for dinner. We went to Montana's and they have all-you-can-eat ribs on Wednesdays. I went there to have all-you-can-eat beef ribs just to find out that they don't offer that anymore! ヾ(。`Д´。)ノ They only offers various kinds of pork ribs for all-you-can-eat, but not beef ribs. Y(>_<、)Y Anyways, all my friends had all-you-can-eat pork ribs and I ordered non-all-you-can-eat beef ribs in the end. ヾ(_ _*) The food was awesome and I had a great time with them too!

I came home and I'm surprised that nobody talked about this today. I saw it last night and I laughed my head off! Seriously!! ヾ(*≧∇≦)〃 What am I talking about?? Just keep reading...

Drunkie P harassing Poor Rina!

Ok. While P-sama kept saying he has nothing to write in his J-Web entry these 2 days. This has happened. The following is an except from Rina's blog:

Disclaimer: The translation might not be entirely accurate. Please let me know if you find any misinterpretation. Thank you! ー(*- -)(*_ _)ヘ

It was about 5am at dawn.


Someone came close to me in light footsteps and kept saying "Rina, I said your bangs looks weird. Your bangs, your bangs (´∀`)"

Because Grandma slept in Rina's room, Rina had to sleep in the living room!

He was completely drunk.
Even though Rina was sleeping, he wind himself around me.
I screamed while I ran off *laugh*

I really wish he could have given me a break ・・(T_T)

Somehow having straight bangs runs an extremely bad luck with men *laugh*

What are you talking about~!!!

So you see! He said he has nothing to write about?! At least Drunkie P could have apologized to poor Rina yo!

The type of straight bangs (パッツン) that Rina has (if you haven't seen her latest pic) is being cut across straight around the brows, like aiko's bangs.

Today's Japanese Lesson

Vocabulary: 前髪(maegami)
Intonation: ma E GA MI
Meaning: forelock; fringe; bangs

Vocabulary: 勘弁する(kanbensuru)
Intonation: KAN ben su RU
Meaning: pardon; forgive; excuse; bear; put up with; tolerate

Vocabulary: てやんでぇ(teyande~)
Intonation: te YAN DE~~~
Meaning: It's a slang (Tokyo dialect) meaning "What are you talking about (何を言っている)"

Well, that's all for tonight girls! Nite nite!!
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