Unexpected Destinies Chapter 139

Mar 26, 2012 21:44

Title: Unexpected Destinies
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5
Warnings: AU, slash
Word Count: 2,957
Summary: Dean and Castiel bond.


The desire to bond now rose so swiftly and strongly within Dean that he'd taken a few steps forward before he'd even thought about it. It wasn't until a wall of dark brown features appeared before him, blocking his view of his lover, that he realized what he was doing.

"Dean, stop," Michael stated, stepping closer but being careful not to actually touch him.


"There is something else we must discuss before you do this."

"What? Why?"

"Here, put it down."


"It's okay, Little One, I'm not going to stand in the way of your bonding."

"Please put it down, Dean," Castiel added.

Dean tried to look at his angel, but his friend's wings were still in the way. Part of him wanted to simply brush Michael's wings aside and just bond with his lover, but the rest of him, the logical part, knew that neither Castiel nor Michael would request this of him without a valid reason. His decision was made when his friend held out the embroidered pillow one of his neighbors had given him along with a terrific pie after he'd fixed her car engine when it had broken down in the parking lot just as she'd really needed to pick up her daughter at the airport.

With a great deal of effort, Dean placed the Andaluzyian crystal onto the pillow. The moment that he let go of it, there was an overwhelming sense of relief and loss as his soul was freed from the crystal's power and allowed to close itself back up once more. The disjoint made him stagger sideways a little, right into his lover's arms.


The look of vulnerability that had entered his mate's eyes at the end just before Dean had moved towards him had made Castiel hesitate for a moment. Though he wished to share the openness of his human's soul with that of his Grace, he didn't want to damage Dean either. The way his mate had come towards him, however, with all doubt seemingly erased in an instant reminded him that things which looked bad at first weren't always so. Their kalsika had essentially broken his hunter after all and yet he'd never seen Dean happier than after that moment. Perhaps this was the same?

"Dean?" he inquired.

"I'm okay, losing its influence just caught me off-guard," Dean replied. "Why did I need to put it down anyway?"

"Because there is something we need to discuss first."

"Yeah? What?"

"The way the bonding works means that you would no longer be able to be my vessel if you and Castiel were to just do it normally," Michael explained.

"Oh," Dean said simply, but Castiel could read the sudden conflict in his mate's eyes.

It validated his decision to go collect his brother before coming here and Castiel was glad for his restraint and foresight. Dean had once told him that he'd been his mate's first true friend, which meant that Michael was only Dean's second and he knew only all too well what that meant, having only ever had three friends himself, two of which he now saw as having betrayed him as well as his mate. He would do all that he could to ensure that Dean was able to keep his relationship with Michael unchanged now that he knew his hunter didn't mind letting his brother in for short periods of time. The fact that it was probably also the best strategic decision as far as the Apocalypse was concerned was secondary.

"Cas?" Dean inquired, turning to look at him, seeking an answer.

"Don't worry, there is a way around it."

"Without weakening the bonding?"

"Yes, do not fear, Little One," Michael reassured. "It will not do anything to adversely affect your bonding. This will be fine so long as both Castiel and I accept each other's presence."

Dean's eyes narrowed at that and Castiel had to suppress a laugh as he knew exactly what about that sentence had annoyed his mate. It was at times like this that he could understand what had inspired his brother to give Dean the moniker Little One. His human's defiance was precious at times and he could only imagine how much more Michael saw it as such, having always been an archangel and thus as powerful as his brother was now. Having always believed himself to be second only to Father in sheer power he could see that Michael would find such behavior as Dean's almost incomprehensible at first and endearing even when his brother had gotten to know his vessel better.

Castiel prudently decided to keep that particular revelation to himself, for everyone's sake and sanity.

"Dude, I'm right here and it's me we're talking about here!" Dean protested.

"Yes, but your compliance in this matter is already assured," Michael replied easily.

When his mate scowled and muttered darkly under his breath about freaking angels, Castiel was unable to suppress his amusement any more and he laughed softly, serving to draw his mate's glare towards himself. Not giving Dean a chance to speak, he kissed the tip of his mate's nose. Predictably, his hunter scrunched his nose and he'd never tell Dean how adorable he looked like that as he knew his mate would take offense to the sentiment.

"So what do we need to do?" Dean inquired.

"Michael will reach out to you and ensure that your connection is as strong as possible so that when we take the Andaluzyian crystal together it is, in essence, highlighted and won't be accidentally cut off when we bond," Castiel explained.

His mate simply nodded but Castiel could see that Dean understood that this would leave him completely open to Michael as well as himself though his brother's Grace wouldn't be similarly affected by the crystal as Michael would never be touching it directly. He hoped that it wouldn't be a sticking point after everything the two had already shared, but he knew how difficult it would be for his mate.

Dean seemed to need a moment to think it through before his human looked back at Michael and nodded. "Let's do it."

The words sent a shiver of anticipation through Castiel and on some level he couldn't quite believe that this was actually happening. He was finally going to bond completely with Dean. He'd wanted this for so long even if he'd never allowed himself to seriously consider it that it almost didn't feel real. He could still easily recall his shock, disbelief and pure elation when he'd arrived in this very room and found his mate kneeling before an altar of Ru'ena in a purity circle.

His daze was broken as Michael stepped up to Dean and placed a hand on his mate's back. Castiel watched as Dean's eyes and mouth glowed with the light of his brother's Grace as Michael reached out across their connection, strengthening it, before the light died down and he was seeing his mate through Dean's eyes once more.

Carefully, Castiel picked up their crystal from where Michael had placed it and he took a moment to just experience its affect upon his Grace and to savor the anticipation of what was to come. Then he locked his eyes on those of his mate as he stepped even closer to Dean so that there was hardly any space between them anymore.

"Are you ready?" Castiel asked.


It was just one word, but Castiel could hear all of Dean's unwavering conviction in it and time seemed to slow as his mate reached up to lay his own hands next to his on their crystal. Earth along with any and all awareness of the physical realm was instantly eclipsed the moment that Dean made contact and the power of the crystal opened his mate's soul to him. Their existing connection was blown wide open in a way he hadn't even known was possible and his every sense- his every awareness- was filled with Dean.

Any notion that Castiel had ever had of knowing his mate's soul and its strength and light were instantly shattered as he got to experience the full extent of it. Already it had been the purest and brightest soul he'd ever seen but now, now it reminded him far more of the Grace of one of his brothers or sisters than the soul of a human and he was once more enthralled by his mate as well as his Father's power and intentions when creating His Righteous Man.

The sheer amazement, love and vulnerability Castiel could feel coming from Dean shook him out of his daze and he reached forwards with his Grace to touch and intertwine with his mate's soul. Touching it now was unlike anything that he'd ever experienced before and he burrowed into the sensation, feeling the emotions that he'd only ever felt directly from their time with their kalsika wash over him and bathe his Grace in their intensity. The whole experience was so mind-blowing that he hardly knew how to take it all in and he now understood why the ritual with the kalsika was necessary beforehand.

It was as their essences were merging and twining with each other that Castiel suddenly came up against Dean's connection with Michael. Briefly he was amazed at how weak and flimsy it seemed to him now, even strengthened and active as it was at the moment and he realized how easily it would have been broken otherwise. As he gently encircled it, he felt a ripple of acknowledgement from his brother and felt how heavily Michael had shielded himself to give Dean (or them Castiel suddenly realized) as much privacy in this as it was possible to have under the circumstances. There was something oddly familiar about the process and it was with a jolt that he realized that he was now basically doing what his brother had done for him when Michael had first taken Dean as his vessel as his brother could have snapped his connection with his mate just as easily as he could do theirs now.

There was a wave of gratitude from Dean and, just like that, all of Castiel's attention was once again focused solely on his mate and their bonding.


Dean had absolutely no reference for what he was currently experiencing but for once there was entirely no wariness or fear whatsoever. There was Castiel and that seemed to make everything else okay. Just how easily and readily that eased everything was still somewhat of a novelty for him, but it no longer elicited either surprise or fear within him, not anymore.

The feel of his lover was all around him and Dean had long since given up trying to understand the how and why of it and just given into it all. Instead all he did now was try to bury himself into the feel of his angel and the way Castiel felt for him had become his whole world. Everything that he had missed so desperately after they'd released their kalsika was back now, all of the love, adoration, possessiveness and everything else that he had yet to figure out. It was all there again, all around him. Beyond the brief awareness that he'd had of Michael, Castiel consumed his whole world and he did his best to add to it and reciprocate. There was some kind of abstract sense of movement, as of water from two sources flowing over and through one another and the strength of their connection, of their growing bond, seemed to ebb and flow with the awareness so he tried to cause more of it. To reach out with his soul and touch as much of his lover's Grace as he possibly could.

The knowledge that he was really touching Castiel now instead of merely a vessel through which his angel interacted with the world delighted Dean and awed him. He could hardly believe that this was all real, much less happening to him here and now. It all seemed so fantastical and surreal and yet so unbelievable real at the same time that it hurt his mind to try and figure it all out so he didn't. He'd never been one to overly analyze anything and he saw absolutely no need to start doing so now of all times. Not when it felt so amazingly good to just let go and go with the flow.


The voice captured Dean's full attention immediately, not only because it said his name, but also because he recognized it. He recognized it from when he'd been with Michael and his friend had been contacted by Castiel. It was his lover's voice; his lover's true voice.

"Cas," Dean breathed, voice heavy and thick with more emotion then he could identify.


The endearment choked Dean up and he responded by clinging to Castiel even tighter, projecting all that he felt and couldn't verbalize through their bond, knowing it would reach his angel far more clearly that way than anything he could say. His lover responded in kind and if things kept up like this, then he'd never again be able to claim that he either disliked or detested emotions or the sharing thereof. Though, to be fair, it had never been like this before, nor would it ever be this easy or painless with anyone else.

As if sensing at least part of his thoughts, Castiel pulsed around him, a flare of possessiveness washing over Dean and he knew instantly what part of his train of thought his angel was reacting too. It still secretly (or, honestly, not so secretly anymore now he was sure) thrilled him to think that his lover could be that jealous of him, which of course did nothing to moderate the behavior in Castiel. Not that he wanted it tempered, but he knew that if he were more emotionally healthy that he would, though he still firmly believed that being emotionally balanced and healthy was seriously overrated at best. After all, look at him and Castiel now. Neither of them would ever be considered emotionally balanced by anyone with half a brain and yet he couldn't possibly imagine being happier or feeling more loved and wanted than he was right now.

Dean could honestly say at the moment that he was so happy (elated, joyful, ecstatic, euphoric, whatever) that he didn't know what to do with it all. It was quite literally blowing his mind and he could only hang on and enjoy the ride. There were more emotions and feelings washing through him now than he'd ever experienced before in his life combined but it didn't bother him in the slightest. In fact his only fear was that it would all die down and that he'd lose it, at least it did right up until the moment that he remembered that this bond was eternal. He would never be alone again, no matter what happened Castiel would still be there, whether it be on Earth or in Heaven, his lover would now always be able to find him and be with him. Not to mention the fact that he'd always be able to feel Castiel, even if they were separated from each other.

That perpetual awareness of his lover was what Dean looked forward to most as it was when they were apart and he was alone that he always felt at his worst. Just being able to sense Castiel, even if only at the back of his mind, would change everything. The ability to just reach out and touch his angel's Grace or to speak with him even while apart were also things he couldn't wait to gain. His time with Michael had spoiled him as far as all of that was concerned and he'd long since wanted to be able to do it on his own.

There was a shift and suddenly Dean found himself better able to grasp what was going on around him. He wasn't sure if something had changed externally or if some change had been wrought within him, but either way he didn't really care. Castiel was now more distinct and he could almost see the two of them in a way that reminded him of when he was with Michael, only instead of his soul being cocooned within his friend's Grace, his soul was now intertwining itself with his lover's Grace, meshing into a complex latticework as if forming a new entity altogether and he absently wondered how they were supposed to separate after this. Not that the thought of not being able to do so worried him in the slightest. He could think of far worse things than being permanently stuck to Castiel on this level. Far worse things really.

Castiel was everywhere now and Dean was starting to be able to detect individual thoughts of his lover and he closed his eyes and just basked in it all, letting his soul bathe in the love and desire and forever of it all. Each new connection between them of a tendril of soul finding Grace or vice versa was like a warm caress and he arched into it like a spoiled cat, purring and having absolutely no intention of letting go or moving any time soon.

At some point Dean felt a flicker of awareness, feeling Michael at the edge of his mind and soul before all sense of his friend vanished and he knew that the archangel had left the two of them alone. He felt a touch of concern before it was soothed away by his lover and instead he burrowed himself even deeper into Castiel, encircled and encircling his lover all at once.

A.N.: I've written and re-written this chapter so many times now that I've long since lost count!

Chapter 140

castiel, dean winchester, dean/cas, unexpected destinies, michael

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