Unexpected Destinies Chapter 142

Apr 16, 2012 21:26

Title: Unexpected Destinies
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5
Warnings: AU, slash
Word Count: 2,839
Summary: The Campbell family argument over Dean and the Supernatural books continues.


"You didn't read all of the books, Christian?" Samuel demanded, disappointed.

"I skimmed some of them," Christian replied. "I couldn't bear to do more than that. Waste of time if you ask me."

"Then how can you still be so critical of Dean if you read at least some parts of them?"

Christian snorted. "How could I not you mean? Look, Samuel, I think we've already established that you can't help but find gold in whatever it is that your precious grandson does or says regardless of actual substance. Some of us aren't so willing to oversee or ignore his many faults."

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that he's too arrogant for his own good and overestimates his own abilities."

"Christi-" Gwen began.

"No, I'm serious, I mean who in their right mind goes after a djinn on their own? Especially one as active as the one that Dean went after?" Christian demanded. "Of course it got the jump on him and would have killed him if it weren't for Sam here."

The words hit Samuel harder than they should have. That particular book (What Is and What Should Never Be he believed) had been particularly hard for him to read as it had shown him irrevocably all that his baby girl had lost and all that she could have had. To read about her having all of it, even if filtered through her firstborn's eyes, had been a very real challenge and yet it was a book that he'd returned to more than once just to read about her, and Dean, being so happy. The djinn were the type of supernatural creatures he hated the most as they gave their victims the illusion of having all their dreams come true even as they killed them. Or rather used it to distract them so that they could kill them.

"Shit, the djinn!" Sam exclaimed, paling as he dug for his cell phone.

"What?" Gwen demanded before it hit her. "Oh my God, we forgot to warn Dean about them!"


"Wait, you hadn't texted him about the djinn before the meeting?" Bobby demanded, incredulous.

"No, I'd thought it best to tell him in person."

"Sam, you idjit!"

"I know! It's just that first there was Cas and then there was Michael and then all that stuff about Lucifer and I-"

"Just forgot?"


The look on Bobby's face was thunderous and Samuel felt bad for his youngest grandson but there was guilt in there as well. Sam hadn't been the only one who'd completely forgotten about the djinn and if anything happened to Dean as a result then he'd never forgive himself. He could only hope that one of the angels would be able to either protect or cure Dean of the toxin if it was already too late.

For the first time in a very long time, Samuel actually felt the urge to pray, though not to God. He wasn't entirely sure that he wouldn't have done so if Sam's call to his brother hadn't gone through.

"Dean?" Sam questioned. "Yeah, it's me. Look, we just realized that with everything that's going on we forgot to warn you. Remember that djinn we dealt with a few years ago? Well it had kids and they-"

The way his grandson suddenly cut off made Samuel's heart leap into his throat and he wanted to grab the phone for himself. Didn't those things have a loud speaker option? He could swear that Gwen had mentioned something like that once.

"Oh, they already tried to get you?" Sam asked. "Both of them, right? 'Cause there were two of- Three? Really? And you're alright?"

Three of them? Two had been bad enough, but three was even worse. Samuel was sure that he'd never heard of three of them hunting together before, related to each other or not. Briefly he wished for the good old days where the supernatural had made sense actually and played by the rules before he shoved the thought aside. Wishing for it wouldn't do a damn thing and he wasn't going to waste his time on that type of thing. Instead he shared a relieved look with Bobby, glad to have someone else around who he knew for certain cared for Dean as deeply as he did. He could only hope the other hunter had been sincere in his words to Sam earlier and that Bobby really was okay with his having read the books. His doing so had only increased his admiration for the other hunter, especially in all that Bobby had done for his grandsons.

"Good, that's really good, I'm glad to hear it," Sam said, looking relieved. "Anything else? No, no, not rea- Actually, yes, there is something else that you should know about."

Samuel knew what was coming from the triumphant look Sam sent his way but there was absolutely nothing that he could do to prevent it.

"Samuel and Gwen decided that it would be a good idea to buy and read Chuck's books about us."

Even Samuel could hear his grandson's indignant response to that as it was so loud. He took some small pleasure in the fact that Sam must have gotten his ears hurt with that volume. It was the boy's own fault really.

"Dean!" Sam complained. "But, yeah, that was my response exactly. They all seem to think that it was perfectly reasonable here, even Bobby."

Okay, now Samuel was really getting pissed off with Sam. It was one thing to out what he'd done to Dean while he couldn't defend himself or explain his actions, but it was another thing entirely to bring Bobby into it when Dean and Bobby's relationship was still as fragile as it was just now.

"Yeah, he did," Sam continued in response to whatever Dean had said to that. "Oh, something about it being research."

Sam's tone left his opinion of that reasoning in no doubt and not for the first time Samuel felt like taking the boy across his knee for a good spanking. It was something his Deanna had never let him do with Mary even at her worst but he could personally attest to it having worked wonders for him at his most rebellious and it seemed like just the thing that Sam needed right now. The only problem was that the boy was far too good at self-defense for something like that to work now and he doubted that Sam would allow him to do it due to his seniority. The boy most definitely had a problem with authority figures if they didn't either agree with him or fawn all over him. He'd come to really sympathize with John Winchester at times while reading the flashbacks to his grandsons' childhoods in the books. Well, while he wasn't pissed at the man for how John had handled certain situations.

"Oh, no, there are more books now," Sam stated before having to pull the phone away from his ear again. "Damnit, Dean, my ears! ... No, it's not my fault. I didn't even know about it until just now ... I'm not sure, they seem to have everything up until Michael and Lucifer's showdown here but Samuel did say that there are supposed to be like fifteen or twenty more books and Becky said Chuck was actively putting them out still ... Yeah, I went by Chuck's for some info recently and Becky was there."

"Sam," Bobby warned, stepping closer.

Samuel frowned, not quite understanding before he remembered what else they'd learned at the prophet's house and exactly how his youngest grandson had reacted to it.

"Yeah well you were keeping us in the dark, what did you expect me to do?" Sam demanded. "What? No, it's nothing like that!"

The sudden indignation in his grandson's voice made Samuel curious as to what Dean had said to his brother. A glance a Bobby showed that the man had relaxed and was hiding a smile so he assumed that Bobby had figured out what his firstborn grandson had said.

"It's... it's... dude, you're the one who said that you're full frontal in the books, do you really want your grandfather reading about that?"

Samuel's face flamed as he recalled one of those scenes and a muffled laugh beside him made him glare at Gwen.

"Well he's got a point," Gwen whispered.

"As if you didn't stumble into some of those scenes," Samuel replied.

"Who said that I tried to avoid them?"

His glare quickly morphed into a look of shock.

"What?" Gwen shrugged. "Dean's hot."

It was sad that Samuel knew only far too well just how many women shared that opinion. Or that angels did as well, apparently. That opened the doorway to thoughts that he'd done his best to avoid up until now. Even with that, though, he'd found himself paying very close attention to any mention of Castiel in the books in some kind of attempt to find out how this supposed romance had started. At first it had seemed ludicrous with the angel treating Dean as little more than a tool to be used in their war with Hell. At that point Castiel had come off as any of the countless arrogant supernatural creatures that he'd dealt with over his decades of hunting, but then even he'd been able to see that things had started to change. He'd have pegged it more as an evolving working relationship and then friendship rather than anything else, but Deanna had accused him of being emotionally challenged more than once so he supposed it was possible.

But still!

Castiel was an angel and not even human. Sure, he wasn't quite sure what angels were like physically in this 'true form' of theirs, but he doubted it could be even remotely humanoid given the various bits of information that had been revealed about them throughout the various books. Wings and animal faces and light and enough to destroy most humans at a single glance, it all sounded far more alien than he could even wrap his head around, let alone actually lying with one even if it was in a human vessel. All around it was better if he didn't think about it too much which was what he'd tried to do from the moment that he'd learned about it all. His only consolation was that Bobby was handling it far better than him so he hoped that it would become easier to accept- or at least understand- once he got to know Castiel better.

So far almost all that Samuel knew of the angel in question was what he'd read in the books and what precious little he'd been able to observe and learn firsthand the two times that he'd met Castiel himself.

"You do realize that they want to get the more recent books as well, right?" Sam demanded. "Which, by the way, seems to contain some things you haven't told us about yet if Becky is to be believed."

"Sam!" Bobby exclaimed.


"Leave your brother alone about that."

"What? Why? I wanna know how it happened and since when he's gay!"

Samuel wanted to add his own two cents but it was already too late.

"What do you mean you're not gay?" Sam demanded. "You're sleeping with a guy! ... Okay, fine, bi then ... What? What do you mean always? I never saw anything ... So you've been hiding it then? Why? Was it Dad? Did he make you feel like you couldn't be honest ab- Hey! He hung up on me."

"Of course he did, ya idjit," Bobby replied. "Did you really think that he'd just let you interrogate him about his relationship with Castiel and belittle John at the same time?"

"He's finally started to see Dad for what he was."

"There's a big difference between acknowledging that John had his faults as a father and listening to someone who owes John so much belittling everything the man ever did for the two of you. Now, if you want answers about his relationship with Castiel, then I suggest you ask them politely the next time you see either of them."

"Or I could read the books when Samuel gets them," Sam muttered.

Samuel would have replied to that except that he'd just noticed something else. "Where did Christian go?"

"He left right after Sam told Dean about the djinn," Gwen replied. "I take it they handled the problem from what you said, Sam?"

"Yeah, the djinn attacked Dean when he was on his own but he was able to call for Michael who basically smitted them."

"Good, that's three less creatures we need to worry about," Bobby stated.

"Especially ones out for us in particular," Gwen added.

Footsteps in the hall drew Samuel's attention back to the far door just in time to see Christian return with his duffel slung over one shoulder.

"You got us another hunt?" Samuel asked even as his gut told him it wasn't that.

"No, I'm leaving," Christian responded.

"Leaving?" Gwen repeated.

"What? Why?" Sam demanded, stunned.

"Because I've had enough of all of this Dean crap. It's clear that none of you are prepared to do what needs to be done so there's no point in me sticking around here anymore."

"That's not true!" Sam protested. "We've just needed to ensure that Lucifer can't find out everything just by..."

"By slipping you on like a prom dress? Yeah and whose fault is that exactly?"

"Hey, I was trying to help!"

"For all the good that did."

"That's not fair," Gwen protested. "Sam couldn't have known what pulling Michael into the cage would do!"

"Still doesn't change the fact that he's going to be the one the devil will use to betray us all if Lucifer finds him before we manage to get all of the taint off him. And that's assuming that we even can."

"Christian-" Samuel began.

"No, I've had it with you and your precious grandson, it's all that you seem to be able to think about. You're obsessed!"

"Yes and if you'd given the books a fair try then you'd see why."

"I did give them a fair try and all they did was prove that I was right."

"Dean and one of his angels took care of those djinn that we couldn't get."

"More likely the angel did that," Christian dismissed. "And the djinn was just one example out of many."

"Like what?" Bobby challenged.

"Like the hunt with the rawhead where Winchester managed to fatally electrocute himself and needed someone else to die in his stead. Or the incident with the shtriga where he would have gotten his charge killed if John hadn't come back in time to stop it. Or that incident in the apple orchard with the pagan scarecrow god. He'd have become a victim himself if it weren't for Sam. I could go on and on!"

"Like you've never made a mistake before," Gwen retorted. "There are also plenty of examples of Dean succeeding in hunts and saving people in there.

The way that Christian looked at Gwen made Samuel's heart clench and he knew that they'd lost him. The knowledge hurt, as it always did when he lost family in one way or another, but he wasn't going to give up Mary's boys in order to keep Christian. There was just no way.

"Thank you for confirming what I already suspected," Christian stated evenly.

"What?" Gwen demanded, confused.

"That when it comes right down to it, you're on their side."


"Oh, please, don't even try to deny it. You might be mad at Sam, but you're still with Samuel and his precious little Dean."

"And what are you going to do, hunt alone?" Sam asked. "You know how dangerous that is just now."

"It's a lot safer than hunting with you. After all, if you betrayed your own brother for a demon, then what the hell would you do to the rest of us?"

"All right, that's enough!" Bobby thundered. "I've listed to you bitch and moan ever since I hooked up with you and I for one have had it. Either stop acting like a spoiled little brat or go and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out."

Christian sneered at the older hunter and Samuel wondered if anyone had any respect for their elders anymore or if that had all vanished in the time since his death.

"And what would you know about any of it anyway?" Christian demanded. "You're just the town's local drunk. Besides, it's not like you didn't drop Sam and Dean as soon as it was convenient for you anyway just so you could play house with your dead zombie wife. You're nothing but a hypocrite and a borderline drunk."

"Christian!" Samuel exclaimed.

"Save it. I'm out of here."

With that Christian turned around and stormed out of the building, slamming the door loudly on his way out.

Chapter 143

bobby singer, samuel campbell, gwen campbell, sam winchester, christian campbell, dean/cas, unexpected destinies

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