Unexpected DestiniesRating: PG-13
Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5
Warnings: AU, slash
Word Count: 3,465
Summary: Dean learns about the history of his family.
Raziel looked at him in surprise. "You don't know about your family in Europe?"
"Uh, no," Dean replied before looking at his husband and Michael. "Did you guys know about this?"
"I was aware that there had been a branch that remained in Europe, but I had not followed up on it to see if they were still around," Michael said. "They were not the ones that Heaven was interested in."
"No, you mean not the ones that you were interested in," Raziel corrected.
"Are you saying that they are important as well?" Castiel inquired.
"Not for themselves, at least not pertaining directly to the Apocalypse, but being more aware of their family's role and importance, they have obtained a few items and scrolls that are important."
"Great, more reading," Dean muttered under his breath before raising his voice. "So I suppose that we need to take a trip to Europe then. Where exactly are they located? What country I mean."
"England, Winchester to be precise."
"I did say that your family was important."
"Dude, having a town named after you is more than being merely important!"
"Not so much at the time when it was done. You need to keep in mind that this was all done a very long time ago, Dean."
"Do I even want to know how long ago?"
"No, probably not. At least not if you're anything like most of the humans that I've dealt with before."
It was extremely weird in a way to have an angel that was so aware of human nature. With Anna and Gabriel at least, Dean hadn't known them as angels initially, so once he'd discovered that they were, he was already basing all of his expectations of them on who they were rather than what they were. All of the other angels that he'd met, however, hadn't possessed anywhere near this level of skill when it came to interacting with humans, rather the opposite in fact.
"Okay, how about this split then. What happened there to lead to some of the family being here and not really knowing about the ones left behind in England?" Dean asked, wondering if it was because of the way that they'd been raised.
Dad had never been particularly forthcoming when it came to his family. Their complete break from Aunt Deirdre after the fire proved that. To be fair, though, Dean had never asked about her either other than that one time when his father had told him that they weren't going to see her for a while. Dad might actually have meant it like that at the time as he was pretty sure that it preceded his father's knowledge of Azazel's existence and what the demon's plans were for Sam.
"It was exactly that, a split," Raziel stated. "It was during the time that England was populating the colonies and there were two brothers born to the Winchester family in the generation in question. To say that they didn't get along is putting it mildly. They truly couldn't stand each other and to make things even worse one brother followed in the family's tradition of faith and the other was an atheist, an extreme rarity at the time."
"And the atheist took the trip to the US?"
"Well, it wasn't the US at the time, but yes, Gabriel Winchester decided to start afresh in the colonies far away from his family and their power and influence."
"Gabriel Winchester?"
"Like I said, the main branch of your family was very religious."
"Dude, that's just wrong."
"Only you would say that, Little One," Michael commented, amused. "Many consider it an honor to be named after an archangel."
Dean pulled a face at that but he was glad to see that his friend was doing better. He knew for a fact that Michael wouldn't get over what he'd just learned so easily, but clearly the initial shock of it had passed. No doubt aided by the joy of seeing a long lost brother again. Given how many angels had died as of late, to discover that one who had been missing was hale and whole had to be a welcome relief.
"It's unoriginal is what it is," Dean retorted.
"And being named after your grandmother isn't?"
"Hey, I didn't know!"
"What exactly is it that the other Winchesters possess that is of such value?" Castiel asked, sliding a placating hand over Dean's back that he couldn't help but lean into.
"I've never read the scrolls myself, so I don't know what they contain, but among the items there is an extremely powerful focusing crystal," Raziel responded.
"A focusing crystal?" Dean questioned, unimpressed.
"Mm, the good ones are very rare."
"Focusing crystals can be used for any number of purposes," Michael explained. "They can be used to enhance one's existing power or to augment the power of a spell or ritual if used properly."
"For more skilled and powerful individuals, it can also be used to enhance other natural abilities," Castiel added. "If nothing else, we would want to claim this crystal to ensure that neither Lucifer nor any of those with him manage to get their hands on it. The consequences of that happening could be catastrophic."
"Wonderful," Dean sighed. "Alrighty then, let's go to England and meet the family. Wait, they're not still pissed at us, are they?"
"No," Raziel smiled. "Forgiveness is an integral part of the Christian religions and the arguments that led to the split have long since been forgiven and forgotten. In point of fact, they are actually quite eager to meet you."
"Really?" Dean asked, before glancing down at himself. "It would probably be better if they didn't 'cause now they'll just be disappointed."
"Dean," Michael scolded sternly.
Combined with the censure his husband sent his way over their bond, Dean couldn't help but flinch. "Oh come on! Just because I know I'm not what I used to think I was doesn't mean that I've lost track of what I appear to be to others. I mean look at me, jeans, t-shirts and flannel aren't exactly high fashion and no matter what you say, a hunting lifestyle isn't the most educational or cultured of professions. Which is fine for me, I personally couldn't care less about normal or school or any of that crap, but it doesn't make for very good impressions on people who do see it all as important."
"What do you mean?" Castiel frowned.
"If I were to put it bluntly, those who have gone to college or are normal generally see me as an uncouth and uncultured thug."
"No, Beloved, that's not true."
"Cas, I love you but don't be an idiot. You're an angel who's always been able to see people's very souls. That means that you've never had to solely rely on physical appearances to judge someone. Besides, don't even try and pretend that my attitude didn't used to drive you nuts."
"That was before I really got to know you."
"Which takes time and a willingness or necessity to give it that. Lots of people don't and are more than happy to go with their first impressions."
"Then it's their loss," Raziel declared.
Dean scoffed. "Dude, you don't even know me."
"No, but like you said, I'm an angel and can see not only your soul, but also your bond with my brother. So you can be as rough around the edges as you want, I already know what's buried underneath that gruff exterior of yours somewhere."
"I did not think that you cared what others thought of you, Little One," Michael said.
"Most people, no, I don't. But this is family."
"Not close family," Castiel stated, pulling him close. "And if they can't see how special you are then screw them."
"Cas!" Dean laughed, snuggling close despite himself.
"All we need from them are the scrolls and crystal. We never need to go back to them after that if you don't want to."
"But they're family."
"The ones that I have met have been kind enough," Raziel said. "I do not think that it will be an issue."
"Are they aware that you're an angel?"
"Yes, they are aware of that. I figured that since they were aware of their family's origins that they could handle the truth."
"Our family's origin?"
"The fact that you are descended from Abel."
"Oh, yeah, that. I'm kinda surprised that they've managed to remember that. I mean it's been ages ago, or at least it has from a human perspective."
"Like I said, they are very religious and have passed the information on from generation to generation."
"Still, that's kinda impressive. Not to mention more than a little crazy. I mean surely someone somewhere down the line must have thought of it as no more than a myth or family legend."
"That's precisely what Gabriel Winchester thought and why he never mentioned it to his wife or children here."
"All it takes is for one sibling to believe the truth and to pass it on," Michael said. "There were various members of your family who did view it as you said and the ones who chose to believe weren't always the men, so the family name changed along the way. It wasn't until Gabriel, though, that the belief in your origins and fated destiny split from the crucial part of the bloodline."
"You guys do realize how wrong it is that you know all of this and were actually there watching my ancestors, right?"
"So human," Castiel commented fondly, smiling at him.
"I must admit that I do sometimes forget how young you are," Michael added.
"Bite me, Mike," Dean shot back.
"You might not want to say that to your other family," Raziel pointed out.
"Gee, I wonder why. Does all of this mean that we're heading over there now?"
"Now would be a good time as the morning services would be over and with it being a weekday in November there should not be as many tourists in the cathedral."
"Yes, the Winchester Cathedral, it is where one of your family members, Michael, works. He is the one that I know best."
"You've got to be kidding me, Michael? Really?"
It was as he rolled his eyes that Dean noticed the way that his friend's wings had shifted and he laughed. The way the feathers were puffed up clearly indicated how proud and honored Michael was to have yet another someone named after him. He didn't really know why it surprised him anymore. He knew that angels were strange after all. But if it pleased his bond brother to have people named after him, then who was he to complain? It was such a simple, harmless pleasure in the grand scheme of things.
"Okay, just let me text Bobby so they don't worry about where I've vanished off to," Dean said, pulling out his phone.
Not quite sure how to explain everything that had just happened or even how to summarize it quickly, Dean just typed in Gone to England, be back later and left it at that. He could explain everything in detail when he got back and could do so face to face. Plus, with any luck, there'd be more to tell then as this whole trip could turn out to be nothing more than a wild goose chase as far as useful information was concerned.
"Right, beam me up, Scotty," Dean stated when he was done and had put away his phone.
"I would not have taken you for a Trekkie, Dean," Raziel laughed.
Huh, an angel who actually got his pop culture references. Dean could get used to that.
"Inside the cathedral then?" Castiel asked.
"Unless you want to stop and change dollars for pounds along the way," Raziel responded. "They charge an entry fee to get into the cathedral these days."
"No, inside is good for me," Dean chimed in. "And seriously, they charge you to into a cathedral? They should pay people to do that."
Michael's laugh was the last thing that Dean heard before his husband spread his many wings and they were off, flying through the air. Like the last time, he was slightly more aware of the actual journey though it was still nowhere near as clear as it was when he was with Michael. Out of consideration for prying eyes, Castiel landed them in a dark corner off to the side of the pews so it took Dean a few moments to realize exactly how massive the cathedral actually was. When he did, he couldn't help but step out into the light and stare. This was definitely far bigger than the one that he and Michael had been in to see Father Pieter-Jan and reminded him more of the Basilica though it wasn't quite as impressive as that.
"I shall go find Michael," Raziel stated.
"I shall join you, Brother," Michael said.
"Yeah, sure," Dean replied vaguely before he walked forwards towards the mirror at the head of the aisle that ran between the two columns of pews.
At first Dean was confused as to why it was there, but then he got it as he saw that it gave him a perfect view of the artwork and carvings on the ceiling. It also gave him a slight sense of disorientation but that was far preferable to the crick in his neck that he'd get if he were to stare up at the vaulted ceiling instead. The beeping of his phone signaling an incoming text drew him from his admiration of the ceiling and he pulled it out. The message was from Bobby and he frowned in confusion as he opened it before smiling as he read it.
What?! You can't just send a text like that before vanishing, you globetrotting idjit. Those angels of yours had better get your ass back here soon at which point you've got some explaining to do. Sodding England.
Michael followed his brother, not quite ready to let Raziel out of his sight now that he had his brother back once more. Despite that, he wasn't sure how he felt about the situation. That he was feeling anger wasn't in doubt, it was everything else that he was unsure of. There was definitely joy there, but it was tinged by the anger as well as the disbelief that he felt at knowing that Raziel had come to understand that Father wanted them to act more independently on his own. Was he the only one who hadn't been able to see that? No, Raphael hadn't, but was it clear to all of his other brothers and sisters? If so, what was wrong with himself and Raphael that they hadn't understood this desire of their Father's?
So, yes, that detracted from his pleasure at seeing Raziel once more, but Michael found that he couldn't truly be angry at his brother either. Raziel hadn't done anything wrong, not unless he said that his Father was wrong to have asked it of his brother. And he couldn't quite believe that he'd even thought of that possibility even if he wasn't truly considering it. Because he wasn't, not at all.
"Hello, Michael," Raziel said to a human clad in long robes when they landed.
"Raziel," the human Michael replied, voice and tone deferential.
"I'd like to introduce you to a few people. First off, this is my oldest brother and the one after whom you've been named, Michael."
"Michael?" the human's eyes went wide with disbelief.
"Yes," Michael confirmed, the reverence and awe feeling strange and odd.
Clearly the time that he'd spent with Dean had affected him more than he'd thought as Michael realized that part of why it felt odd was because he felt like he hadn't done anything to deserve it from this particular human. Sure, some of the reverence and awe probably stemmed from what he had done before, during the Rebellion, but far too much of it was probably because of who and what he was rather than anything more substantial and he found that he simply didn't like that. The respect and trust that Dean had for him and which he could so clearly feel when they were together meant so more to him than this human's reverence and awe ever could. He'd earned that respect and trust and knew that his precious human didn't give them either freely or lightly and so they meant more to him that this ever could.
Michael knew better than to try and verbalize any of that though because if there was one thing that he'd noticed during his time observing humanity, it was that those who were truly religious often had difficulty adjusting their views on such matters. Besides, Dean had already taught him that the best way of altering such strongly held convictions was to prove them to be false rather than telling people that they were. It had worked with both Raphael and himself.
"It is an honour to meet you," the human stated, though Michael could see the question in his eyes.
"Yes, this vessel is female, but my true one is male."
"What can I do for you? You said that there were others that you wished for me to meet, Raziel?"
"Yes, the first is another of my brothers while the second is Dean Winchester," Raziel replied.
"The Righteous Man?"
"Precisely. They are currently in the nave. Shall I tell them to meet us here so as to avoid others overhearing us?"
"A good idea, I shall go open the door."
Curious, Michael followed the human, though he kept an eye on his brother to ensure that Raziel didn't simply vanish without his knowledge once more. Because he was with the other Michael, he noticed the way the human's eyes scanned his precious vessel when Dean and Castiel approached and the emotions that flickered in their depths. It would appear that for all that he'd hated and disliked what his bond brother had said earlier, that Dean was correct in his assessment of how he would be perceived by others.
"You shouldn't judge based on appearances," Michael scolded gravely.
"Excuse me?" the human Michael questioned, startled as the man's eyes snapped back to him.
"Do I look like an angel, much less an archangel to you?"
"N- No."
"So what makes you think that you would be able to judge Dean based on his appearance?"
"Just because he has not been faithful or received more than the minimum required education does not negate all of the good that he has done. Dean is a hunter who has dedicated his life to helping others by saving them from the creatures and darkness that is out there which most people are unaware of. And unlike some who do what is good and right because they wish to go to Heaven, he did it because it was the right thing to do. He never believed in Heaven and even once he learned of its existence, he didn't believe that he would go there. So all that he has done has been because he personally believed it to be the right thing to do."
"I did not mean to offend, Michael."
"I'm sorry, I was rather more forceful than I should have been," Michael admitted. "It is just that I have seen Dean judged and treated harshly by those who do not understand him and the sacrifices that he has made."
"I- You were right, I was judging him prematurely. It is simply that my family has believed and waited for so long, for so many generations, that it is hard to understand why it is now one who has not dedicated his life to the church and faith that is chosen."
"Although I cannot answer why Father decided to do it this way, I think that Dean may have been chosen precisely because he wouldn't be a believer."
The way the human jerked and stared at him in utter shock confirmed Michael's earlier decision not to tell the man about his own revelation.
"I don't understand," the human Michael admitted.
"It seems that Father wishes for us to avert the Apocalypse as it was written and find another means of dealing with Lucifer. Therefore the Righteous Man had to be someone who would not simply do as Raphael and I wanted, but would instead stand up to us and fight for what he believed to be right."
"Dean stood up to you?"
"Myself, Raphael and Lucifer."
This time when the human looked back at Dean, Michael detected an entirely different set of emotions in his eyes and he nodded once, feeling quite pleased with himself.
A.N.: Ah, post NaNo reading frenzy done now, back to writing and posting!
And for those of you who missed it, I've now got PDFs for all long & finished fics, for a list please see
Chapter 177