Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: R Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash, war/battle scenes Word Count: 2,928 Summary: The Battle of Sabratha begins...
Another awesome chapter. :) I love getting a feel for how the different players feel going in. I can feel Sam's frustration, Bobby's trepidation, Simiel's revulsion. Great job!
Thanks! And most of the chapters in this battle with be multiple pov as there is just so much going on and doing it like this makes it easier to show the timing of everything.
wohoo, let the battle begin!ext_2288718November 5 2014, 21:57:00 UTC
Nice to see an update so soon! It's interesting to read more about Simiel's view of things - talk about misguided loyalty here...and Raphael really seems to have gotten the point of humanity now; he's even copying Dean in calling Michael 'Mike' :) Poor Bobby, I hope he's going to get some help with the remaining Deadly Sins. ...is it just me or is Sam back in the 'spoiled brat and prideful idjit' area in this chapter? I mean yeah, he wants to help, but he's got no chance in an angelic battle with Lucifer, so he should shove it with the complaints.
As for a post-S9 AU, try 'It's dark inside' from FictionalNutter. It's IMO more of a humoristic take on the new situation than angst, but worth the read.
Re: wohoo, let the battle begin!otp_destielNovember 19 2014, 20:06:45 UTC
:) Yep, misguided, but still loyal. It was interesting getting into her head. As for Raph, he hasn't called Michael Mike, that was Raziel who did it in this chapter. Lol, more on that in the new chapter. Well, both brothers do tend to go into fights where they're hopelessly outclassed on a regular basis in the show. So it wasn't so much that he's regressing as being his old self. Thanks for the link! It's quite interesting.
Comments 29
New chapter is now up.
Thanks for the update. Poor Bobby...
Yes, poor Bobby. There's more on his situation in the newest chapter.
It's interesting to read more about Simiel's view of things - talk about misguided loyalty here...and Raphael really seems to have gotten the point of humanity now; he's even copying Dean in calling Michael 'Mike' :)
Poor Bobby, I hope he's going to get some help with the remaining Deadly Sins.
...is it just me or is Sam back in the 'spoiled brat and prideful idjit' area in this chapter? I mean yeah, he wants to help, but he's got no chance in an angelic battle with Lucifer, so he should shove it with the complaints.
As for a post-S9 AU, try 'It's dark inside' from FictionalNutter. It's IMO more of a humoristic take on the new situation than angst, but worth the read.
Yep, misguided, but still loyal. It was interesting getting into her head. As for Raph, he hasn't called Michael Mike, that was Raziel who did it in this chapter.
Lol, more on that in the new chapter.
Well, both brothers do tend to go into fights where they're hopelessly outclassed on a regular basis in the show. So it wasn't so much that he's regressing as being his old self.
Thanks for the link! It's quite interesting.
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