Title: Next Stop Is - Author: shikanashi_kk Recipients Name: lyuna Rating: G Pairing: Jackal Kuwahara / Akaya Kirihara Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis and all of its characters do not belong to me. Notes: Hope you like it, lyuna~ :D
I'd say you have a convert, but then I've always thought that Akaya likes Jackal as a friend at least so that's not that big of a leap. In any case, I very greatly enjoyed reading this. ^_^
Comments 4
I'd say you have a convert, but then I've always thought that Akaya likes Jackal as a friend at least so that's not that big of a leap. In any case, I very greatly enjoyed reading this. ^_^
That was really cute ♥ Though halfway through I wanted to pinch Akaya's cheeks and tell him to stop being an idiot >.>
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