Title: Keep Coming Back Author: rai_kai_lai Recipients Name: Hibimaosuki Rating: G Pairing: Kenya/Kamio Disclaimer: I wish I owned them but I don't.... Warnings: There's.... a kiss. Yup. That's it.
I'm so glad you liked it. I spent so much time going through every possible pairing that I could think of. Then this one popped up at the very last minute. It was definitely a challenge but that made it all more fun.
It's definitely a favourite pairing of mine which I'll be writing more of soon hopefully. ;D
Comments 3
I'm sorry for being such a difficult person to write for! *beats self silly for a while*
Also, IUAHDSNFIKLAUSDHFNASILDKUFJNASLDKGUHA ;_____________;♥♥♥♥♥ I think I may actually want more of this pairing.
This is getting saved into my Memories :DDDDDDDDD
I'm so glad you liked it. I spent so much time going through every possible pairing that I could think of. Then this one popped up at the very last minute. It was definitely a challenge but that made it all more fun.
It's definitely a favourite pairing of mine which I'll be writing more of soon hopefully. ;D
Butyeah. Again. So glad you liked it. ♥
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