Spain part one

Apr 16, 2006 11:58

Well here I am talking to u from Spain and all I have to say is that this trip is getting really annoying!

The trip started off simple enough (by the way I’m writing this while I don’t have a internet connection so I’m sorry if I repeat any thing from anyone else) so anyway me Michy Olivia and Jason went to breakfast before me and Jason left for Spain. I had fun the breakfast was good and I loved the waffles and burger but it was way to much. Its been a while so I don’t remember what every one had and I don’t feel like asking Jason. But anyway we went to the school to catch the bus to the plane and Olivia and Michy came to see us off. I miss you Michy (I really cant tell you enough can I)

The ride to JFK was really long and we found out later that the bus driver hadn’t had the A/C on for like the entire ride!!!!!!!! That BASTERD!!!!!!!!! There was even one person that had on like three layers and he couldn’t take them off for some reason (I think he was just stupid) and it had to be like a hundred degrees cause it was so hot every one started to fall asleep! But anyway we were originally supposed to take a small bus like thing and a van but cause two people didn’t come or something we all had to cram into the small bus like thing and there were so not enough seats one of the teachers (Mrs. Brickly I think) had to sit up front with the driver. But we didn’t stop at all on the way even though it was cramped and hot but I think I slept through about four out of the five hours we spent and Jason took a picture of me while I was sleeping and if I’m lucky I will be able to erase I before he posts it on myspace but if he does check it out cause its really funny but I don’t want people to see it.

Well we got to the airport and me and Jason used the like two hours to watch red vs. blue season one kick ass as always. But fist we had to go through the customs and check our bags and shit that took about an hour and was really tedious. They even made the girls that had sandals on take them off to go through the metal detector what do they think they could possibly be hiding! By this time my cell phone was dying though cause I left it on so that I could text message people (I think I used up most of the text messages so far) after we watched a lot of Red vs. Blue I found that Michy was right cause I had Mario music stuck in my head up to that then I got the Blood Gulch Blues in there.

The plane ride was ok I slept so much that I didn’t get time to pull out the computer to watch more red vs. blue. So for the most part I had been catching up with my sleep, always fun. But the plane was a lot bigger then I thought it would be and like every one on it was Spanish so they had to give the instructions in English and Spanish but I don’t think that like any one of the flight attendants or pilots could speak English or at least not well. No one could understand what the pilot was saying not even the Mrs. Thurston who is a native speaker!

The first thing I did when we got off the seven hour plane ride was pull out my cell phone and see if I had service to tell every one the we had arrived safely (I knew that I wouldn’t be able to make an international call but I though I might be able to text people) but sadly I had no service and that is how its been since we got to Spain.

We went to a driving tour of Toledo (the first place we were to be spending the night) and it was a quick tour didn’t even get out of the bus I think we went right to the hotel but it was good cause I THOUGH that I would have internet there so I could IM or skype call anyone when I got there and THEN we find out that the stupid hotel wouldn’t activate the wi-fi cause it was Easter weekend (good Friday) SO THE BASTERDS DIDN’T ALLOW ME TO CONTACT ANYONE even though I really want to talk to you Michy… and every one else too. We did a lot of walking and saw the city that used to be a fortified castle it was so awesome ii love that type of stuff. Oh and apparently Toledo is famous for crafting metals so every shop you go to you see the fancy swords and I mean like real swords they were kick ass I mean real swords with real blades and they all looked so cool I wanted to buy them but they were too expensive. And another thing I knew something like this would happen I wonder if you can guess what happened? Well I’ll tell u anyway I had a real scare bout losing my wallet. See the night before I took it out of my pocket to go to bed and I though I put it on the bed side table but the next morning I totally forgot to look for it and when we got to the first stop on the tour (a place where they craft the metal) I wanted to but something but I realized I didn’t have my wallet. But it all turned out ok cause it ended up in the pocket of my computer case that was so never used that it had a portable USB floppy drive.

But after that we went to see the imperial palace (pretty cool lot of walking and lot of pointless facts about the architecture and whatnot) this wasn’t the real palace it was just like the royal get away. Then we went to the royal get away from the royal get away! That’s like the place they go if they don’t want people watching there every move.

Today, Easter Sunday (HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!), we went to the real royal palace that isn’t in use anymore except for special occasions like a visiting diplomat. But this place was gigantic there was something like 2800 rooms!!!! We were only allowed in 22 of them but from what I saw they were amazing murals on every ceiling, marble in every room, and chandeliers in most rooms made of the most amazing crystals. But the most amazing part was that apparently there was a Italian King (I think he was a king) that visited Spain and stayed in that palace and he was quoted on saying that it seem very small to him!!!!! 2800 rooms SMALL!!!!!! This guy must be like using all of his countries money to fund the building of such a palace! Then we went and saw the bull fighting arena nothing special didn’t get to walk in or anything just stop and take pictures but I was so tired I just went out took Jason’s picture with his camera next to this statue then went back on the bus to sleep. Oh and I completely forgot that we went to this flea market like thing today that had absolutely nothing good it was crap every one else loved it though but another reason I hated it was because we had to watch out for pick pockets (luckily no one lost anything)

Now I finally have internet and Mrs. Thurston being the nice lady she is paid for me to have internet access for four days WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She pwns! So I’ll be on AIM and possibly calling people using skype until I’m back. I cant wait I want to be back so badly I miss every thing (especially being able to talk the major language of the country)

But I’m having a good time. But I already can’t remember a lot of stuff, should have wrote in this since we got here but hey I forgot so sue me. How is it ONLY Sunday . I WANT IT TO BE THURSDAY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have four more days till I’m back to home and I cant wait I want to be back with you all. Well those have been most of the trials and tribulations of the trip so far, stay tuned for more information and possibly more details about the coming days.

One last thing could some one tell me why it is that even though the euro is stronger then the dollar every thing still costs more. For example a can of soda from a vending machine costs 2 Euros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you say rip off!?!?!?! Cant wait to be home talk to every one later.
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