So I am sort of, kind of doing a meme. Only not so much. The original got all write 7 things, tag 7 people, and no fair not tagging. . . . I say you ain't the boss of me, anonymous meme writing bossyboots! Yeah, see!? I'll write what I want, see? Yeah, yeah
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Comments 6
Re #5: I've honestly only stolen one thing in my whole life. I was maybe 12 years old and was with a friend at K-Mart. We were in the toy aisle looking at cards when we noticed that someone had ripped into several packages of Jurassic Park trading cards. JP was my first fandom after Star Wars and I had been trying to collect all the cards; I had all but 2 to complete my set. Guess which two cards were there laid out before me? I stuffed them in my pocket and fled. The things I do for fandom, man... :D
And the things you'll do for your fandom, indeed!
I've had some one change there appearance on me (she made her face appear as if it ws melting)-ew..didn't like it...freaked me out (prety sure she was doign some of that black magic).
Have felt and seen amny o' spirit in a dn aournd your old hiz-ouse on BLvd. and Richmond in general.
When I was a teenager I had a ghost appear in my room, she was dressed in the dress of the civil war (you now big dress) I saw her out of the corner of my eye, she scared me, I asked her to leave becasue she scared me, she flew through me- took my breath away....true. (note: I used to live near a hous ethe was a Civil War hosptial and had trenches inthe woods behind my house).
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