Title: How America Managed to Charm The Embroidery Club (And England) In Only His Underwear
honeyhamsterGenre: Romance/humour
Ratings/Warnings: A fairly docile but charming and half-naked American. (I don't think there are any objections to that...)
Summary: There are upsides and downsides to having a very charming and handsome American
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Comments 13
This was so cute!
ahhh I love how England forgets that he has to say that they're not his experiences, I can imagine him doing that a lot.
LOL America you charmer! He knows how to turn an awkward situation around haha. It's so adorable that he wants to join in next time XD I would totally have the exact same reaction as the old ladies did.
America gave him a wink and a kiss on the forehead. “Maybe,” he said, before turning to go back up the stairs. “But if the stodgy old bloke is you, then I guess I could stand it for a little while.”
fffffff /melts <33
Thank you so much for this! I'm glad you liked the prompts and didn't think they were completely mental. :') and Merry Christmas to you too!
Glad you liked it, I had fun writing it! Merry Christmas!! <3
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