Title: My son.
Pairing: Yongguk/Unknown
Rating: R
It’s almost a year ago, my son had just been born and my wife didn’t make it. He was… I don’t know… He was a couple weeks old I guess. It was the first time I was allowed to take him out of the hospital. It was the first time I’ve actually been alone with him.
At the time I lived in an apartment, in Seoul, on the fifteenth floor… I remember… I remember getting him home and just standing in the middle of the living room. Just feeling… Lost. Just thinking how am I going to raise this kid on my own. I remember closing my eyes and praying, that if I opened them, she’d be there and take him from me and everything would be like it was supposed to be, but… I fell, I got weak and fell… and I almost dropped him. It was then that I realized just how fragile he was, how incredibely tiny and how much control… I had, his life resting in my hands. I looked up and saw that the window was open and I thought how easy it would be to start over…
So I did it… I threw him out.