The week previous had been Inspiratum's annual camp fundraiser event, the Furr Ball. This was the 4th year, and,as usual, it was a rousing success! The cleanup day was for Saturday.
So, it was a combination day. Lots of people working, pausing to talk, eat a hot dog, and continuing on.
Others were there to talk and be a resource of information.
Last Saturday, We had a newcomers picnic held at Capt. Chuck's shop yard, aka "Inspriratum".
In short, it was a great, laid-back opportunity to have conversations without the distraction of music or flashing lights or fire poppers.
People asked about shade structures that work in the desert under windy conditions.
Food planning strategies.
Fuel requirements for a generator needed to charge up a Segue every day.
All sorts of questions not easily covered quickly were brought up and, hopefully, answered.'
Jay organized the whole thing. He borrowed a trailer barbecue, got the Costco beef dogs and charcoal, and ran the whole show. Capt. Chuck provided the space for everyone to meet.
Sean had his latest version of the Reubens Tube there to demo.