The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2005) directed by Jacques Audiard, written by Audiard and Tonino Benacquista (based on the original screenplay for "Fingers" (1978) by James Toback
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I LOVED this movie!! I guess I really enjoy foreign films that follow an individual character around and don't present that character's background to you on a platter. It was also so serious but there were a few really hilarious parts that no one in the audience laughed at so I felt weird about it (like in the very beginning with the rats, and when his Duris' business partner is making fun of him for playing piano).
Yeah there were some good funny moments was serious and intense, but not really depressing, or uplifting, just sort of...there, emotionally...and not too many films do that balancing act so well.
Where did you see it? Here or Chicago? Music Box? Damn I miss it..
Good review...I think there's more to the film than the reviewer sees, it's pretty minimal yes but I think there's so much heart in the central performance, and so little wasted space in the film that it adds up to something pretty powerful.
I was expecting something rather hip, downtown and arch from that site but that was a nice restrained review. Thanks, I'll have to look more...
Their movie reviews are usually decent...the staff is a little bit too large to be as consistent as a publication with only one or two critics, but they do an okay job...and it might be the best source online for music info...
Comments 5
Where did you see it? Here or Chicago? Music Box? Damn I miss it..
I was expecting something rather hip, downtown and arch from that site but that was a nice restrained review. Thanks, I'll have to look more...
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