General Hospital; Jason
G; 123 words
Everything collapses.
Written for
ceresi in response to the first line meme. Pure speculation, based on the spoilers floating around.
It was over.
Jason had always known in the back of his mind that this couldn't last forever, but he had never expected things to happen this quickly.
If it hadn't been for Carly and her need to be loved by the father she never had, then John Durant wouldn't have been able to get anything on Sonny, and though Jason loved Carly so very much, he had always loved Sonny the most.
And maybe it's because Sonny gave him everything that Jason hated him some times as well. Maybe that was why he couldn't find it in him to feel any anger or resentment or bitterness toward Carly, and maybe that was why he let them take Sonny away without a fight.