Title: My Kingdom for a White Christmas (with you)
soft_princess Website:
Fly With Me Date: May 17, 2008
Word count: 7,200
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Giles/Xander
Rating: FRM
Disclaimer: Joss owns the characters, I'm merely playing in his sandbox.
Setting: Post-Chosen.
Summary: Xander wasn't avoiding Giles, he just... didn't want to see him. Or
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Comments 26
Wonderful, as always.
This is exactly the kind of story I was hoping for, and it made me very happy. (Oh, Buffy, overdoing Christmas! That's perfect. And I love that she didn't know as much as she thought she did.)
Giles is stupid. *g* But Giles does sometimes think he knows what's best for everyone--which was one thing when "everyone" was sixteen, but grownups get to make their own decisions.
And I love that the ending is happy (I am sure they will work things out, and get back together, and that by next Christmas they will be living together, because I know you ;) ) but not perfect--they have things to work out, but the story ends with them back on track.
(Andrew reciting Doctor Who plots, though, just makes me whimper, and remember I need to tag you.)
Thank you, darling. I love this. :D (And you, obviously.)
And yes, Giles really is stupid. *pets him* But he'll learn. At least I hope so. Heh. For Xander's sake if not his own.
The ending I had before most of the middle, because I knew I didn't want a really sappy ending, just something that gave hope that things would be fixed afterwards. :D I am glad that worked.
*FLAILS* Thank you, sweetheart. I love you too!
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