Hi I've been lurking here for a while, just now I stopped being a lazy S.O.B got up the courage to post, mostly because I have a somewhat small and inconsequential question.
So I identify as genderqueer, but I want a male body...okay I actually only want to have no breasts and no period, because I get cramps even though I don't bleed enough to justify buying a pad. Nature likes to see what new and inventive curses I can come up with under internal pain XD. I'm newly turned 21, I'm a snake person though I'll default to dog if I have to chose between cat or dog, since there are only 4 cats in the world that like me, and they've all been with me since they were kittens.
I'm never going to under go anything for the simple reasons that I tried T before I turned 18 (my step-dad is actually pretty awesome) and I didn't like that it was doing more than deepening my voice, and I'm terrified to death of ever going under the knife. I like sharp pointy objects more than is possibly healthy, but not when used on myself. So I thought that this would be a cool community to join, and from what I've read I'm right for once, w00t.
Ok if I didn't kill anyone with my excessive amounts of TMI, I have a question. My hair is as curly as a mofo. It literally mats like a dog or cats fur if I forget to brush it less than 3 times in a day, and I need special shampoos to wash it because it's so curly (by the way the Cynthia Sylvia Stout shampoo by Lush is the best I've found if you have the same problems). Are there any other FTM's that have such curly hair? What did you do with it to make it look more masculine? I have really feminine features, and my hair either exaggerates it, or it makes me look like one of those creepy metal head guys that are trying to look like a slightly cleaner cut Charles Manson, because I can't cut it shorter without it matting even worse.
So yeah...curly hair FTM's how do you tame your unmanageable locks of doom?