ヅカ部 (Zuka Bu): Zuka Club
The Zuka Club is an allusion to the宝塚歌劇団 (たからずかかげきだん). This was an all female musical theatre troupe that formed in the early 19th Century performing the extravaganza of Western Musicals. It acted as a female counterpart to kabuki. Similar to how kabuki actors took pride in using male casts to play female roles, Zuka members took pride in playing otokoyaku (male roles). The Takarazuka kagekidan is consisted of five troupes: Flower troupe, Moon troupe, Star troupe, Snow troupe and Cosmos troupe. In particular, the Hana (flower) troupe was famous of their performances of otokoyaku.
We can also note that the names of the characters who were in the Zuka Club were play on words based upon Japan’s traditional views of花言葉 (Hanakotoba: The language of Flowers) but not only that, it is an allusion to the Hana Troupe who were famous for the performances of otokoyaku. In this sense, the girls of Lobelia are challenging the members of Ouran Host Club claiming that they are lacking as they can only fulfil male roles whereas the ladies of Lobelia can fulfil both roles.
天草紅緒 Amakusa Benio
Nickname: 紅薔薇の君 (The Lady of Red Rose)
The nickname given紅薔薇 is a pun on the meaning of the red rose which has connotations to passion, romance and love in Japanese culture.
This reinforces her character as the romantic male lead of the Zuka Club.
舞原千鶴 Maihara Chizuru
Nickname: 鈴蘭の君 (The Lady of Lily)
In particular white lilies represents purity, chastity. In taking on the title of 鈴蘭の君 ,she is effectively flaunting the amiable qualities promoted by the Zuka club and suggesting that the Host Club are lacking in these areas.
石蕗雛子 Tsuwabuki Hinako
Nickname: 雛菊の君 (The Lady of Daisy)
In the Language of flowers, daisies represented faith.
ハーフ (Haafu): Half (of mixed heritage)
Haafu refers specifically to a person who is half-Japanese and half non-Japanese, usually the offspring(s) of international marriages in Japan. In the case of its usage in 桜蘭高校ホスト部、it is referring to Tamaki’s mixed heritage of Japan and France.
Sidenote: this is different from the usage of ニュー・ハーフ (New-Half) which refers to transgender in Japan.
オマケ (Omake):Bonus/Extra
Omake usually refers to extra or bonus in anime and manga, for example deleted scenes. However, in the case of 桜蘭高校ホスト部、it is referring to bonus gift received when Haruhi went grocery shopping. This is a marketing strategy often used in Japan by magazine companies as well as supermarkets alike. It entices the customer to purchase a certain amount or a certain product with the lure of オマケ ‘special bonus gift’.
ポイント制 (pointo sei): Point System
The ポイント制 mentioned by Kyoya in this episode is another popular marketing technique used in Japan. Customers collect points by purchasing goods or service depending on the conditions set out in the Point System. This is recorded on a loyalty card presented to the customer or membership cards. As points accumulate, customers can redeem them in return for ‘special’ gifts and services. ポイント制 is the Japanese equivalent of the English “Loyalty Program”.
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