Week 4: Results

Dec 18, 2009 20:31

I was waiting to set back the weeks to the normal calendar week... now here are the winners since I think you guys waited long enough.

Members Choice

Results Tally:
#01: -1 points, +2 points (+1 overall points)
#02: -2 points, +0 points (-2 overall points)
#03: -3 points, +0 points (-3 overall points)
#04: -0 points, +4 points (+4 overall points)

Comments for eliminations: (remember don't take them personally, they are merely to help you grow as an icon arist)
01 - The image is a little pixelated and the face looks slightly blurry. Evening out the image itself would help a lot. The light flares also look like the cover up a little too much of the character so they don't highlight so much. Maybe either bringing them down or lowering the opacity on them would help.
02 - There is way too much of an orange, sun-kissed (or in this case, sunburned) style going on here. Maybe if they worked orange's complementary color (blue) somewhere, this would have worked. Also the font doesn't fit the style at all and I feel that putting more than just "hosts" would have given this icon more of an edge.
02 - Too much red, orange, and yellow mixed together. The text is a little plain and boring, doesn't suggest anything for the icon.
03 - Haruhi in the foreground appears over-sharpened and over-saturated. In contrast to the bright and blurry background, the sharp quality of Haruhi stands out all the more. The background doesn't complement her either. Something more uniform in color and pattern might work better.
03 - The coloring is nice but the picture crop could be more smooth and clean. Another background should work better, putting Kyoya there is also a bit distracting.
03 - The erasing around the image could be improved, there are parts where the outlines are thicker than other places. The red-shaded fading to the background makes it distracting, but not strong enough to completely draw the eye, which gives the icon an odd feeling.

Comments for members choice: ^^ we all love comments.
01 + Nice use of colors! I like the play of the white with the red, especially with the light dots texture.
01 + The crop to this is fun, and the texture at bottom left is a nice touch.
04 + It's simple yet elegant. The font is not too hard to decipher and I love the crown floating atop his head. I also think the coloring was done very well and there was no overuse of anything.
04 + The green under layer on the text is a little hard on the eyes, but the image is good and the text is hilarious. The crown is a nice touch. Overall, good balance and great interpretation.
04 + I like the design and the idea behind the icon, nice match with the picture, crown brush and typography. I would suggest adding a bit more of contrast though.
04 + I like the blankness of the background; it sets off the red better, especially in his coat and crown against his hair. I like the text too.

Other comments:
01 - It was hard whether or not to choose this one or #3. However, I chose #1. The maker had the right idea but had it executed the wrong way. It feels like in one area, there wasn't enough control with the gradient. It may be my monitor but even so, I also feel that the light texture was unnecessary. I think that with some more editing, mini-text would have suited this style just fine.

If you would like a banner, please comment saying you will like a banner.
Member's Choice Banners made by illeistic.
Participation Banners made by kaorien.

round 12 week 04: red

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