Name (or nickname):call me Wopei, I guess XD
Age: 20
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: ???? Green? Blue? I don't pay attention.
Height: 5'4"
Blood type: O
Favorite food: can I say all of it? Hmm... pasta and guacamole
Favorite subject in school: French, English, History, Choir
Pick a quote you like: "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
Favorite color: orange
Where would you like to travel to? everywhere. I want to see the world. I'd really, really like to visit Meoto Iwa (the "married rocks" off the coast of Futami) and Paris.
Who is your favorite character and why do you like that person best? Either Tamaki or Haruhi, because they both have so much personality. Tamaki is so sweet and Haruhi is so down-to-Earth
Coffee or tea: tea! Coffee tastes awful, no matter how much sugar I add. I love tea.
Indoors or outside: I love to be outside in the summer and explore new places, but in the winter I like my house ^^;
Three negative words that describe you: stubborn, overprotective, sensitive
Three positive words that describe you: friendly, optimistic, passionate
How do you feel about instant ramen, the staple food of many college students? XD It's one of my passions XD I love food that I can make in seconds. I have no patience unless I'm cooking for someone else.
Are you into martial arts? Not really. I'd not terribly coordinated XDD my friends tried to teach me once
If you went to the Host Club, who would be your host and why? Damn. Probably Haruhi, because she seems so easy to talk to. Tamaki would be fun to hang out with, but I get a little uncomfortable when guy fawn over me.
Any suggestions for improving the community? (Such as other questions you would like to see in the application, redesign or clarification of the rules, etc.)
Photo time! (please post no more than three)