~The Basics~
Name: Bebe Carmel
Nickname(s):Bebe, Carmel, Candii, MellaBella, too many others...
Age: 13
Gender: Gal ~
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? None at all.
Likes: Food, fashion, anime, manga, sports, music, makeup, hair, reading, drawing, sewing, shopping, cooking, baking, dancing, bands, sweets
Dislikes: Overall grossness. Burping on purpose and not wearing socks with sneakers.
Fears: Growing up D:
Goals/Dreams: I'm not sure...right now it's to get straight A's for the end of the semester! I also want to move somewhere else right now~
Talents: Singing and speaking Spanish
Hobbies: Sports, especially Field Hockey, regular hockey, Volleyball, Tennis, Lacrosse and swimming. I like house chores, as odd as that sounds, like cooking and baking and folding laundry. I like to sew and design my own clothes and jewelry. And music. I love to listen and make music. Also, speaking of music, I adore watching my brother's band practice. I'm just...captivated by it ? I don't know, but I enjoy it quite a lot.
Strengths: I'm funny, outgoing, and caring.
Weaknesses: I'm short-tempered and subject to mood swings. I can be terribly perverted on occasions, as well as sarcastic and I am klutzy too. But above all, my worst quality is probably my dead-ant like attention span.
Shy or Outgoing: Outgoing
Calm or Energetic: Energetic
Controlled or Impulsive: Impulsive
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Optimistic
Decisive or Indecisive: Indecisive
Mature or Immature: Immature
Messy or Clean: Messy
Leader Or Follower: Leader
Night or Day Person: Night
Indoors or Outdoors: Er...both?
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: Outgoing, energetic, funny, short-attention span
~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- Green, blue, pink
Least Favorite - I don't have one, but maybe yellow if I have to choose
Favorite- Cap'n Crunch Cereal. I pretty much like all cereals and sweets.
Least Favorite - Ehhh...anything really salty. Like umeboshi.
Favorite- Penguin <3
Least Favorite - Awww I love all animals. I can't name a least favorite!
Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- Kyoya. He's scheming, evil and I love his relationship with Tamaki.
Least Favorite - (meaning not necessarily the hated one, just the one you least favor or the one you would least like in real life) Umm, I don't think I could ever choose (I guess you might've noticed that I have issues saying I dislike things). I think they all have their strong points and weak points and I would enjoy meeting all of them in real life.
Non-Host Club Member And Why: (meaning those that aren't actual members of the host club.)
Favorite- Nekozawa! He's hilarious. I just love everything about him.
Least Favorite - ….I have issues saying I dislike stuff!
Favorite Quote(s):
“September nights, we've come so far, from broken homes and battles scars” - “Tokyo Bay” by The Academy is...
“We make a promise...and we'll both try out hardest. If we both suceed, we can tell the other and be so happy. Because we're alone in this world, and all we have is each other, so we both must try for the other so we may succeed...oh lord, I sound like some freak filled with infinite wisdom.” - My brother, who can be surprisingly deep sometimes
How would you describe yourself? I'm just your semi-average girl. I'm rather ourgoing and energetic, and I try to get along with people and meet new people often. I'm funny but I am very perverted sometimes, but what can you expect from a 13-year-old girl? I'm somewhat of a peacemaker, I just hate people fighting and yelling at each other. Also, I hate it when people talk about other people behind their backs, so I often try to stop that. On another note, I have a very bad attention span. I'm also very androgynous sometimes. I get called a boy often and by now I'm used to that. Although, of late, I'm becoming more and more girly.
How do people usually describe you? Talkative, funny, outgoing, perverted, androgynous, creative....
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? Umm...I guess I'd fix the economy or something if I had to change something big like that. But overall, I'd want to make the world more accepting. People in my school are constantly exiled because of various reasons...their race, their religion, their sexual orientation...and I just think it's wrong. The world needs to acknowledge everyone's differences and we need to accepting. Just because we're not the same doesn't mean we aren't the same. You know?
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Uhh, I guess I would make it so I am more able to focus. And I would care more about how I do in school. And I wouldn't be as afraid of growing up and all that stuff. And maybe I would make my hair grow a few inches while we're at it. And hey, maybe I could grow a few inches myself. I'm 163 cm and I live in a place where most fifth graders are at least 180! Seriously!
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off? I'd like...curse a lot. Not proud! But I would. Then I'd beg for their mercy and possibly try to sneak away while they weren't looking. Of course, Kyoya would catch me, and then I'd probably start talking about something completely irrelevant.
~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself:
Lalalala...this is me! I'm 163 cm, about 5'2”, and my hair's usually auburn, not brown. My skin is quite fair too!
Anything Else: (anything at all? maybe you have more to tell us more about yourself that you don't thing you covered well enough?) Nope! It's all covered.
The 3 apps you voted on: (please edit in a 3 full links if there wasn't a full 3 when you first submitted your application here to vote on. Note that you will not be stamped till 3 apps are linked below.)
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http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/252017.html?view=2230129#t22301292 -
http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/251807.html#cutid13 -