~The Basics~
Name: Twiggy
Nickname: Twiggy is basically it :3;;
Age: 15
Gender: Female o/
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? Whatever floats your boat, I'm cool with. So no.
Likes: J-House/Trance/Synth/Pop/Hop/Rap :3;;
My wife
True Blood
Basically anything on Showtime/HBO, really XD
Teh interwebz
Porn :3
BFC (For those who have no idea what this is, it's Beautiful Flat Chest |D)
Persona 8Db
Abreviating things
Tedious chores
Dislikes: People in general ;;
MySpace, even though I have one
Rap and Country music
Cheese graters (THEY ARE SATAN)
Computer crashes
Fears: Bridges, elevators, aloneness, cheese graters, roaches
Goals/Dreams: To be a lawyer one day. And get married for reals D: Stupid Florida laws.
Talents: I say I don't have any XD;;
Strengths: Loyal, patient, assertive, loving
Weaknesses: Procrastinator, bitchy, self-loathing, oppinionated
Shy or Outgoing: Shy
Calm or Energetic: Calm, but I get energetic when I want to
Controlled or Impulsive: Controlled
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Pessimistic
Decisive or Indecisive: Depends on the situation
Mature or Immature: Mature
Messy or Clean: I call it "organized chaos"
Leader Or Follower: I lead in my head, but follow in actuality ;;
Night or Day Person: All day person :3
Indoors or Outdoors: Indoors <3
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY
~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- REALLY deep purple
Least Favorite - Lime green or pink
Favorite- Brussel Sprouts
Least Favorite - Green olives
Favorite- NARWHAL 8D
Least Favorite - Dogs >:
Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- Kyoya. He actually can get things DONE, which is a lot more than the rest can say ;;
Least Favorite - Hunny. I like cute things and all, but I want to smack him most of the time XD
Non-Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- SATOSHI, MY LOVE @<@ He's just so....I don't know, I LOVE HIM. And he needs more screen time AND I was all "WHERE IS HE???" in the anime D:
Least Favorite - Uhm, the main guy in
Favorite Quote(s): From the series? Or in general. I'm confused ;; Anyway~
SERIES - "Stop acting like a monkey in heat." -Satoshi
It made me lawl XD
I really don't have favorite quotes.....that's a lie, I have a fuckton. That's why I icon them <3
How would you describe yourself? I'm not average in anyway, because I am a very special snowflake...in a good way of course. Ithink...?
How do people usually describe you? 'She's.....Twiggy.' XD
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? The color of street signs. The red/yellow/black/white BS needs to go away D:
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? I'd make me appreciate myself a little more. And take off my DD boobs ;;
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt was paid off? "Okay~! Where's the broom at? Or some Windex would be nice..."
~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself: Eyes - Greenish Brown \\ Hair - A mix of brown and the like \\ 5 foot and 4 3/4 inches \\ 134 lbs ;; \\ DD chest size as mentioned above \\ Weird fashion sense \\ always very colorful
Anything Else: That's about it
The 3 apps you voted on:
1 -
http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/255938.html?view=2255810#t22558102 -
http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/255095.html?view=2256247#t22562473 -