Can you see Haruhi with Tamaki 24/7?

Sep 15, 2009 04:17

~The Basics~
Name: Laura
Nickname(s): piernik, people have already forgetten my other nicknames xD
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? I don't care at all :D

Likes: music, sky, my friends, movies, video games, sleeping, laptop, walking at night, rain, sound of violin and piano, shoes XD and probably some more.
Dislikes: ohh i dislike so many things, i hate annoying and stupid people (though sometimes i like to be annoying to show a person how it is), i hate annoying or stupid questions xD seriously, it's driving me maaaad!, insects xD, i hate fake (2 faced) people, i hate liars, selfish people, people who knows it all and they think they're the best in everything while they're not, i hate people that mess with someone's mind (it's very easy to do that though i guess), loud noises and crowds.
Fears: insects *fail*, i used to be scared of heights but lately it stopped and i hope it will stay like that. Also that i will be never happy in my life or that something bad will happen to people I care about.
Goals/Dreams: Well, idk :| Let's skip that part because i wouldn't tell them anyway ;P

Talents: think i have none :| People says sometimes that i can dance, sing, draw or that i'm good at vgames 8D but to be honest... it's really impossible to see my dancing, singing or to see my drawings so i wouldn't say it's a talent since i suck at it. I'm also not good at videogames, because i'm just not xD
Hobbies: watching videos, "playing" in photoshop, playing video games, chatting on the internet because usually IRL i don't speak too much, listening to music and some useless shit.
Strengths: i'm an INTP with INTJ, i'm strong (physically and emotionally), I have my pride & honor, i usually don't show my emotions... well i think i show them when i'm annoyed or angry even if i don't want to (i mean, some people see when i'm annoyed or angry or something but not always), i can deal with my problems myself, straight-forward, laid-back, sarcastic (well, it may be not a good point but i think it count in strengths), i enjoy staying by myself, loyal, i give good advices when any of my friends have problems, i'm honest and i don't lie (ok, maybe sometimes but it's rare XD), i'm cunning, i wouldn't lie to make someone like me or something, i can laugh of myself, I'm just being myself all the time and i don't care if people like it or not.
Weaknesses: I can't speak out my feelings, i'm introverted, cold, reserved, short-tempered, too calm sometimes (at least my sister is getting annoyed so she told me so..) but sometimes when i get angry in a second and may be a little aggressive though i'm getting calm quickly after that (but i guess everyone has moments like that??), sometimes my self-esteem can be low - usually at times when it shouldn't or I would say i'm too lazy to speak sometimes so people think that me self-esteem is low, i'm very lazy, sometimes too blunt, i hate too many things XD, i don't really like to talk so people can get me wrong sometimes (like I care.. XD). Yeah sometimes my being sarcastic and straight-forward may be too much for some people, even for my friends sometimes so it can be count as a weakness at some point, sometimes i say something when i should keep quiet but i really hate when someone is rude to me or something.

Shy or Outgoing: Well, i'm definitely not shy, but i'm not outgoing as well, i'm reserved, but i'm not afraid to say what i think of something.
Calm or Energetic: It depends, calm most of the time but i have some hyper times sometimes (but i'm not that energetic anyway xD). But i can seem hyper when i chat on the internet with friends.
Controlled or Impulsive: both? I can be impuslive when i'm in a good mood or have my "hyper-but-not-so-hyper" time but most of the time i guess i'm controlled. I'm definitely controlled when it comes to emotions and feelings.
Pessimistic or Optimistic: realistic, who can think pessimistic ;p
Decisive or Indecisive: It depends on what, usually I'm decisive but on some matters i can be pretty indecisive too
Mature or Immature: Mature but i know how to have fun ;)
Messy or Clean: i'm clean and messy at the same time if that makes sense XD
Leader Or Follower: Leader because people always follow me even if the leader is different xP
Night or Day Person: Definitely night.
Indoors or Outdoors: Indoors
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: lazy, short-tempered (but still calm, usually), streight-forward, sarcastic, reserved.

~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- Blue and gray. blue will be my nymber 1 color, because i love it since i remember. It's a cold color but in different shades it can be a little warmer and deep.
Least Favorite - maybe brown or orange? idk, i don't like these too much, but they're ok lol

Favorite- fruits! You can eat them when you're hungry and feel kind of full + they're tasty and.. &hearts
Least Favorite - Spaghetti, idk why :|

Favorite- leopard because it's fast and beautiful.
Least Favorite - bugs ;xxx i don't think there is a need to tell why...

Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- I love all of them <3 But i think that Tamaki & Honey made me laughing pretty often xD
Least Favorite - well, idk to be honest... Like i said, i like them all but maybe Haruhi? she's ok but just... i like her the least.

Non-Host Club Member And Why: (meaning those that aren't actual members of the host club.)
Favorite- I don't really know. I've seen it quite a while time ago and i don't remember their names that well.
Least Favorite - Renge

Favorite Quote(s):

How would you describe yourself? see strengths& weaknesses, and how i described my personality above.
How do people usually describe you? the same i guess. + that i don't care about anything while i do, i'm too laid-back, too quiet sometimes. I'm really not sure, i've never asked them about that, though my friend told me once but i don't remember it now, i guess it's too late or rather too early?
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? no wars or racism. I would really loev to see a quiet, calm world without all that happening, but i guess it's not possible.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? I know it sounds stupid but first thing would be my look, because I if i feel not cofident or unsure, is mostly because of my look.
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off? something like "WTF?! You're kidding me right? Why should i join some host club? Me do not want", that's my usual reaction when i have to do something i've never thought of lol

~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself:
Anything Else: thanks for voting? (if anyone will vote xD)
The 3 apps you voted on: (please edit in a 3 full links if there wasn't a full 3 when you first submitted your application here to vote on. Note that you will not be stamped till 3 apps are linked below.)
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I wll try to vote on more application when i won't feel that tired lol xD

needs votes

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