Please describe your normal clothes. Oh wow XD I just... wear whatever I feel like on any given day. I like to be comfortable, and if it also looks good, then it's win-win, I guess ^^ I really like to wear bright colors and layer my outfits.
What item(s) do you always seem to have with you? My purse, which contains pretty much EVERYTHING in the known universe (scissors, stickers, a sewing kit, a Swiss army knife, a bunch of snacks, moist towlettes... you get the idea).
At least three pictures of yourself, including at least one body shot and one head shot.
Oh wow, get ready for the awkwardness and unphotogenic-ness that is me XD I always look about a hundred times worse in pictures than in real life for some reason.
I'm actually wearing makeup in the first one, which is a rarer occurrence than Tamaki shutting up XDDDD I'm usually too lazy to bother.
Now the 3 apps you voted on:
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here2 -
here3 -