Character Application

Nov 30, 2010 00:23

Before you go any farther, make sure you know the rules first. Read them. Understand them. Ask any questions you might have. Make sure you've checked that your character is on the open characters list and that they don't have strikethrough, which means they're reserved. Then proceed... without caution ;D Who likes to be cautious?

Please leave your application in a comment on this entry. You can screen your comment if you'd really like... I'm the only one who really needs to see it. Also, we're not super picky around here, so don't be afraid.

The Application

The Application Explained
It always stresses me out when I go to apply at a comm because I worry I'll mess up on my application. So, I'll explain it here just in case ♥ If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them here
Character: the character you're applying as
Username: the username of the account with which you RP them
Brief Character Description: describe the character (brief history, personality traits, little details about them). This is just to make sure you know the character well enough to RP them successfully.
Personal Journal/Other Contact Info: your personal journal's username, your email, or any other way for us to contact you in case of anything happening that we need to discuss with you. You can put as many forms of contact here as you'd like.
RP Sample: just a short sample (a couple of paragraphs) of you RPing as the character you're applying as. This is to make sure you have a grasp on your character and you can keep them in-character... and that you can write literately while RPing. Your sample can be anything you want. We write in paragraph style here, not screenplay format. You can use first person POV or 3rd or even 2nd if you think you can make it work somehow. Also, this won't be a critique of your skills... just a quick check to make sure you can stay IC.
Notes: anything special you want us to know. Also, if your RP journal isn't the one you're applying with and you'll be making it later, make note of it here.

If your application is accepted, your character will be moved to the taken characters list. If you applied from a journal that isn't your RP journal because you hadn't made it yet, please send a comment to me to let me know your RP username when you get accepted.

I'll contact you about anything you need to fix in your application ^^

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