Name: SK.
Age: 20.
Strengths: Outwardly calm, skilled at light-hearted teasing amongst peers, intelligent, logical, inquisitive, good listener yet can be opinionated when need be, witty, very analytical, honest, surprisingly can be very expressive/animated when in the right mood, pretty good self-control, extremely loyal and protective of those close to me, good at making others laugh, imaginative, creative, reflective, sometimes sees details others don't, open-minded and curious.
Weaknesses: Mood-swingish, varying self-esteem, pessimistic and finds faults in others easily, worries a lot, somewhat quiet yet can be very talkative when the subject is right, blunt, awkward in personal/emotional situations and with people I don't know, distant, sets high standards for self, obsessive, has been called "mean" multiple times, caring yet doesn't always show it, dorky/nerdy, sometimes jokes around/teases at the wrong time, prideful, forgetful on things that I don't really care about, gets stuck in my mind a lot/spacey, selfish.
What type do you think you would be?(i.e:"Prince type"): The Cool Type, probably...that's what I was rated as a looooong time ago at another Ouran community.
Who's your favourite character? (optional): Blue and black.
Who's your least favourite character (who don't you want to be stamped as): Ehn...Renge, probably.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
Logical or Emotional: I place higher value on logic, but I'm also an emotional person, although I don't like to show it if I can help it...
Flaboyant or Reserved: Reserved for the most part, but I can be extremely animated if you catch me in the right mood and you know me really really well to the point where I'm comfortable enough around you.
Melodramatic or low-key: Low-key usually.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic realist with a bit of optimism I'm trying to develop as of late...
Obsessive or Easygoing: Obsessive like woah with things I'm interested in, but I don't see this as the opposite of "easygoing"...I'm also easygoing. I don't consider myself a very structured person, I mean.
[] Zany (Quirky, maybe...zany? That sounds a bit extreme.)
[x] Reserved
[x] Intelligent
[x] Intuitive
[] Rich
[] Poor
[] Colorful
Anything else?: I'm an INTP according to Myers-Briggs.
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