Changed my lay out!

Mar 24, 2005 19:56

Yay new lay out! I saw this picture on some website and thought it was really cute, so yeah... It's my background now.

I have to talk to my parents about wanting to go to State this weekend. I hope it goes well. I have stuff typed up and everything to show them. The stress is really taking too much of a toll on me.

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Comments 5

confidencedown March 25 2005, 01:29:40 UTC
good luck
dont stress
your parents love you
and theyll see


ourheavyhearts March 25 2005, 01:56:59 UTC
thanks dodd.
i hope they will understand


dialface March 25 2005, 03:16:51 UTC
well you've put a lot of work into it so i would think it would work out.

i like the new layout ps!!!


cycloctopus March 25 2005, 23:52:30 UTC
hi again tori. 'tis zach again. i've gone and finally done it: joined the livejournal armada. is it wrong that i've avoided it so long? it really only has to do with my bitterness lingering from when they made you pay to join. either that or have friends who would invite you, and lord knows thats an entire different bitterness. so, here i am. shazam!


ourheavyhearts March 26 2005, 00:56:30 UTC
Oh Zach! I'm glad you finally conformed. About damn time boy! Anyways, you have the coolest username ever and I look forward to keep in touch with you LJ style!


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