I could not recall a more perfect fall 'cuz when I looked up into your eyes it didn't hurt at all.

Mar 30, 2005 18:45

Today I saw a guy that will be living in a house with a friend next year kick the crap out of his dog. It was the most gorgeous pit bull, and the sweetest thing. It broke my heart. I feel like crying just thinking about it. I was too shocked to do anything. I felt numb. My friend's boyfriend is talking to the guy and might end up filing a report ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

alwaysintune March 31 2005, 00:04:20 UTC
i am in LOVE with those dogs!!
haha i have said SO many times to my mom "i am getting that fox dog!"[aka papillon] she gets mad because she so sick of me saying it haha.
cutest ever!


ourheavyhearts March 31 2005, 00:14:06 UTC
There's one at PetsLand! You should go see it. Seriously the most adorable thing ever. I would have named it Kiley because one of my favorite songs is "Papillon" by Rilo Kiley and I think it's a cute girl dog name. Haha I seriously got way too attached.

Is it cool if I add your new name onto my friends?


alwaysintune March 31 2005, 02:22:41 UTC
omggg yes i love that name! i am staying this weekend and i am for sure going to petland! thanks! now i actually have something to do haha.
and of course you can add it, ill add you back.
have a fun night.


ourheavyhearts March 31 2005, 03:34:58 UTC
Awesome! Seriously, it's the cutest thing ever. It's $830 though. If I had that money and a place to keep it, I would be all over buying it.
You have a fun night too!


nathanielat March 31 2005, 05:12:54 UTC
i guess you could use a dog so you could have something to cuddle with but yea sorry but my AOL messed up for no damn reason


ourheavyhearts March 31 2005, 17:30:10 UTC
Ahhh I would love to have a dog to cuddle with. I get so cuddly down here with only blankets to cuddle with hahaha. And this dog was the cutest and cuddliest ever.


dialface March 31 2005, 15:33:14 UTC


ourheavyhearts March 31 2005, 17:31:23 UTC
I know! Ahhhh so cute! I really wish my car was still alive so I could go visit it on a regular basis. It was so cute! It was a little spaz! I was playing with a tennis ball with her and her little legs were like going in every direction. The most precious thing ever.


dialface April 1 2005, 02:39:29 UTC
i love spazzy things!


cycloctopus April 1 2005, 03:55:02 UTC
yeah, there's nothin' quite like an epileptic, mid-seizure. ahem.


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