
Dec 14, 2011 03:52

Title: Pets.
Pairing: Henry/Amber
Fandom: Super Junior/F(x)
Rating: PG for language.
Genre: Slice of life. Romance. Fluff.
Summary: For every special occasion, Henry would bring home a new pet.

1. The One.

Henry had Rover way before he met her. In fact, that lazy dog was the reason they met, way back then when Amber had long hair and Henry looked like a baby chipmunk.

She was on her daily run when she met him. She used to go in the morning, where the air was crisp and cool and there was barely anyone, leaving her alone to start the day with peace before she faced her friends who she wasn’t sure why she was friends with, but it always caused her to be late to class; she was tired of Qian’s nagging and Krystal’s remarks so she changed it to the afternoon. But Krystal’s remarks remained annoying. And Qian still nagged, telling her to not forget about sunblock and shit. Amber barely listened. But Qian’s nagging manifested in her soul and she had no choice but to listen to that Qian-like voice in her head, putting on the sunblock, grumbling about mother hens.

So she was running, but the afternoon weather was slightly different from what she was used to in the mornings so she took a break on the park bench and settled on people-watching. There’s a cute old couple, sitting next to each other, occupying another bench not too far away. The old man was reading a newspaper while the old woman chatted non-stop. Once in a while he would nod but Amber doubted he heard anything his wife said. Amber wasn’t sure what to feel about that. Should she pity the wife for having a husband that didn’t listen to her, or should she pity the husband for having a wife that wouldn’t shut up. Or, in an entirely different level, should she be jealous that they found someone that put up with their crap no matter what? Until they’re old and wrinkled with nothing to do but to sit in a park.

She thought about her parents, back in America. Her mother liked to talk too, her father was the same, but not as much as her mother. The house would be constantly filled with chatters when they were around. Amber was the master of playful jibes while her older sister was the quiet one. Not everyone could talk at the same time.

While she stared at the elder couple and reminisced about her family, she didn’t notice a boy with his dog on a leash passing in front of her. The dog simply stopped and laid down as if he was ready to die right there. She didn’t notice them until the boy cried out in perfect English “Oh, come on, Rover. It’s been barely fifteen minutes!”

She turned to them trying to process that one, it was indeed English that was spoken. Perfect, American accent English. Two, the dog simply stopped in the middle of the pathway. Simply just stopped and collapsed. Three, the boy was so damn cute. Amber never really noticed those things about boys. She figured she was asexual, not really interested in either boys or girls. But, despite that, she found him extremely cute, in that ‘I want to pet you’ kind of way.

“Is he dead?” She asked in English. She wanted to poke the dog with her foot but she wasn’t sure how the boy would receive it.
He looked at her, wide-eyed and gaping, “you speak English?”

She rolled her eyes. “Nope, I’m speaking in Parseltongue.” This time she did in fact poke the dog. It barely reacted, much less moved.

He grinned at her. “I’m Henry. No, he’s not dead, just really really lazy. He just like lazing around all day. Everyday.”
She just nodded and kept poking the dog, wondered if she annoyed it enough, maybe it would move. Henry seemed to not mind. And the dog did move, just enough to be out of her reach. Damn dog.

“Mind if I sit here?” He gestured towards the empty space beside her. She nodded, seeing no harm in it. So he sat.
That was how it was for two months until Henry had the courage to ask her out.

(He knew she was the one from the moment she made that Harry Potter reference. And when she annoyed Rover until he finally moved, he knew she was perfect.)

2. Precious

Henry bought Birdy when they moved in together. His reason for moving in together was they’re poor college students, therefore it would be wise to save money and just move in together, he was stuttering and all. Amber just shook her head and gave him the classified section. “You choose,” she said. Henry ignored the paper, and kissed her senseless, that cute mouth in a grin that Amber loved so much.

Henry’s excuse for buying Birdy however made less sense than Luna’s English.
“It’s a housewarming gift for both of us! We need something to brighten up the apartment.” He smiled, the bird on his shoulder, and Amber just stared.

“Why can’t you just get us a plant or something?” She asked exasperatedly, eyes not leaving the bird. So small and fragile. What if she accidentally stepped on it or something?

“Well… um… I just wanted to be creative. Lots of people just buy a plant and we’ll be the unique couple that gets a pet bird!” He smiled that smile, you know, the smile that made his eyes disappear, the smile that Amber can’t say no to.

“Well… what’s his name?” She sighed and Henry was finally brave enough to hug her.


Amber laughed into his shoulder, and held on because she couldn’t believe she could be this happy.

When Amber grew up, she couldn’t have pets, mainly because her mother and sister were allergic to fur and no one wanted to come near any kind of poop. And it didn’t bother her, she just figured that she wouldn’t wallow over things she couldn’t have and will never have. Meeting Henry, being with Henry and loving Henry shifted many of her perceptions. She thought pets were something that people get because they think they’re cute and just wanted one just for the sake of having one. Henry taught her that pets were part of the family.

Henry taught her how to care, how to be gentle when handling something so precious. No memory could match up to that time when Amber had Birdy in her palms, and he was sleeping so quietly, head tucked under his wings, looking like it was the most precious thing in the world. Henry was beside her, looking at her like she was the most precious person in the world and there were no words, none, that could describe that feeling of exploding happiness in her. That feeling alone was enough to bring tears to her eyes as she looked down to her hands. Henry kissed her tears away.

(Amber had secretly feared that she would grow old alone with no one to love her and only numerous pets as company. That kind of loneliness made her scared, because she could never find the right words express herself and she was worried that one day people would just leave her and her lack of expressed love alone. She feared that no one would understand her, no matter how hard she tried.)

3. One Art

Henry graduated first, and he had a job not long after, thanks to his father’s connections and Siwon’s recommendation. It did help that Henry was a people person and had the ability to charm the pants off anyone.

He ended up being in marketing department of a pharmaceutical company; Amber was simply a translator for a traveling agency in Seoul. She liked her job, traveling in a place that she grew to love and introducing it to tourists. Henry liked his job too, but it required a lot of traveling, so he was barely home, leaving her alone with Rover and Birdy. She found herself talking to them a lot more, especially when the apartment was too quiet and when she missed Henry too much.

Rover would make an effort to entertain her, when he sensed that she was sad. He would roll and roll and Amber would watch, wondering what the hell was wrong with the dog this time. Last time Amber was sad, he played dead, which, to be honest, wasn’t any different to how he usually was. Now he would greet her at the door when she came home, sometimes with Henry when he caught the early flight.

Birdy spent less and less time in the cage and would just fly around the apartment. Weirdly enough, he never went outside and would just simply fly back in the cage when he wanted to sleep.

They did move to a bigger place when they finally had enough money. To celebrate the occasion, Henry bought a goldfish. Sadly, it died because it ate too much.

She cried. Henry held her, canceling his flight and spent the next three days by her side. She didn’t know why she was this way, it was just a fish and she couldn’t understand why she was so emotional over an animal that drinks its own pee.

Henry kissed her head when she told him this. “You loved it. That’s the most important thing. There’s nothing wrong in grieving over losing something that you love. Amber, it’s okay to cry.”

Amber didn’t cry so much after that, mostly because she was feeling better, but she made sure Henry spent a week at home, by her side.

(Henry was insecure sometimes, that he would lose Amber because he wasn’t home often enough. He would call her every day, check the timezone so he would know when to wish her good morning and good night. But then Amber started to take notice of the time differences and yelled at him because he should be sleeping instead of texting her when it was 3 a.m. where he was.)

4. Permanent

Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun were talking about marriage. Not about their marriage, but about Qian’s and Nickhun’s, Siwon’s and Tiffany’s, Heechul’s and Jessica’s and finally hers and Henry’s. They were only considering the straight couples because they could actually legally get married in Korea. Zhou Mi chattered about how beautiful the girls would look in white dresses and how the men would dashing in a tux.

Amber was horrified by the idea of a dress. Kyuhyun was just side-eyeing his boyfriend for talking how handsome their friends would be in tux. She didn’t know how the topic turned to marriage and weddings, but all she knew was that she was there, with Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi, wondering what the hell was going on.

But then she thought about marriage. A ring around her finger that says she belonged to Henry. And Henry belonged to her. Forever, until death do they part. She sort of hated herself for loving that notion, that image in her head where on her right hand there would be a piece of jewelry that she would actually be willing to wear, for Henry.

She pushed that thought away and carried on like nothing happened.

Many days later, when Amber just came home from the gym and was about to take off her shoes when the thing strutted its way in front of her, all curious eyes with tilted head. It made Amber pause in taking off her shoes. The hell?

Amber stared down at the… thing in front of her. It blinked back, large green eyes stared eerily at her, reminded her too much of Puss In Boots. Cute, yes. But it’s not supposed to be here.

She knew who was responsible though. “HENRY!” She yelled, her eyes still on the thing, just in case it decided to do something funny. She heard footsteps and ta-da, there was her boyfriend, dressed only in his Spongebob boxers, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes.

“What?” He yawned and picked up the thing.

“What is that?” She pointed at the thing in his arms, purring audibly and contentedly.

“It’s a cat.” He said. No shit, Sherlock. I thought it was a whale. “And she’s not a ‘that’, she’s Timon.” He scratched ‘Timon’s’ ear, another loud purr can be heard. This still hadn’t sunk in for Amber.

“You mean, you brought a cat home, without telling me, named her Timon, which is a boy’s name, when you already have a bird called Birdy and a dog named Rover.” She asked out loud, as if she needed a confirmation for this piece of information.

“Uh-huh.” Bless him and his inability to read the mood. “Look, isn’t she cute?” He all but shoved the cat to her. As if on cue, Rover made his way to her, welcoming her home, although it was a little late. She bet the lazy guy took his sweet time waking up. So now she has a cat in her arms and a dog barking excitedly at her feet.

“But Henry! Who’s going to take care of them?” Amber almost wailed. Almost. She wasn’t that desperate. Yet. Maybe. We’ll see.
“We are. Duh.” He blinked at her. That was her boiling point. Oh, Henry’s gonna get it.

“What you actually mean is me. I have to take care of them. You’re barely home Henry, and I -”

“And you’re lonely. I know.” He said softly, eyes that looked at her so gently, and that smile that melted her heart over and over again. She never knew what to do when Henry made the mood turn a complete one-eighty. It got to her every time. While everyone else thought that she was somewhat emotionally inept, Henry thought she was adorable as fuck. It was a good thing he could understand her so well. But still, the cat thing.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “And your solution is to bring home a cat? The hell, Henry? Multiple pets are for old ladies that live alone and have nobody to care about them or spend time with them. Not for girls in early twenties, who do have a relationship, but it just happens to be a guy who is barely home. So, really, what the hell?” She might be scaring Timon and Rover right now. She didn’t care.

He laughed. “Take a chill pill, beautiful.” Who the hell says that anymore, Amber thought. “The cat is a celebratory gift. For us. I have good news.” As he usually did when he brought home an animal. He grinned that Henry Lau grin with cute teeth and all. His eyes disappeared altogether. “I got a promotion and they stationed me here, in Seoul permanently. So now I’m here all the time, isn’t that great?”

In response to that, Amber threw away Timon (she’s a cat, she’ll survive) and almost stepped on Rover (laziest dog in the history of lazy dogs, really. You would think he would have faster reflex than that) in her act to hug Henry. He let out an ‘oof’ and wasted no time to hug her back. They stayed like that for a while.

So naturally, Amber had to ruin the mood with a “you’re going to be on litter duty. I’m not going anywhere near to cat shit.”

Henry laughed and kissed her, slow and languid. The kisses grew short and finally he pecked her lightly on the lips, pressing his forehead lightly against hers.

“I have another gift.” He murmured and he sounded like he was nervous. This made Amber narrow her eyes into slits again. “Before you say anything, it’s on the bed.”

Amber untangled herself from Henry and went to their bedroom. She didn’t have to look hard because there, lying on the white sheets was a ring. With a diamond and everything. She picked it up, and turned to Henry, speechless. Was he proposing or was it just a present?

Henry made a show of getting down on his knees, with that Henry Lau smile was back on and he took her right hand. “Will you, Amber Josephine ‘Eunyoung’ Liu Yi Yun, make me the happiest man alive by marrying me? I promise I’ll be on the litter duty and everything.”

Oh God, she couldn’t talk, there was something in her throat. She’s sniffing, oh God, no, she can’t cry. That would be pathetic. She wanted to say something and unfortunately, all that came out was “couldn’t you at least put some pants on before you propose to me?” Which was probably better than sobbing.

“Is that a yes?” He kissed her hand and all she could do was nod. Pathetic. But screw that, she’s happy. Henry had always made her happy. The person that showed her that she could be tough and gentle at the same time. That love wasn’t a weakness and there was nothing wrong with crying. That love was never pathetic.

She teared up, but didn’t cry, because tearing up wasn’t actually crying. There’s now a ring on her finger and a promise of forever from Henry. She could always believe in Henry.

(Timon was the cutest thing ever and she made Rover chase her all over the park. Henry and Amber finally found a way to get that damn dog to exercise.)


so... i think I might have missed a few mistakes. Feel free to point it out. ^^ And comments are love.

pairing, band: super junior, genre: slice of life, henry/amber, genre: fluff, x-over: f(x), genre: romance

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