#16-20: Roxeen Griffon

Feb 08, 2005 21:52

Roxeen still lives at roxeen_feed, though I don't know if the journal site it feeds from is back up yet *hopes*

What's one place you've always wanted to go? I don't really know. It would've been nice to go to the Islands, I guess, but then I would've wanted Ninni to come with me, too, and show me around and stuff. Sure, they speak Erigineean, but they speak really fucking strange Erigineean, so... It could be interesting, though. Islandic food is really fucking good, and all that. Yes, that's coming from the guy who hasn't eaten a meal that couldn't fit in a large tea cup for about two years.

What's one thing you've never been able to do? Be accepted for who I am, apparently. I'm sure that comes to a shock to all the people who think that who I am is this inconsiderate bastard who gives their boyfriends head just because they ask, but... Would they really rather the guy go find another girl and fucking dump them? And I'm just doing it because... Well, two reasons. It's nice to be objectified when you don't want people to ask the wrong questions, and I got used to doing it when I lived in Sihainne and still went to Black Knight. I'm not a slut, though.

What's one thing have you always wanted to learn but never have? I wouldn't have minded learning to ride a horse, and handling them, and all that, when I was younger. Now, I'm not sure it wasn't just as well it never happened. Just imagine the fit my "mother" and Rock would've thrown! She was shocked enough for a good while when she found me in a pink apron sewing in my little sister's room. My mostly-nude little sister, I might add. It's not my fault Aretta doesn't have a sense of decency, though, because I told her walking around in her panties would make mother throw a fit, and it did.

What's one thing you've always wanted to do and never have? See the inside of Anya's house. I'm curious as to how his family decorates. Well, I suppose I want to see inside Ninni's house too, what that matters. But more Anya's. I have to admit, I do have ulterior motives for that prioritizing. Don't blame me, he's hot, who wouldn't want to screw him? I mean... Ninni has!
She's so going to kill me if she ever hears I said that, though.

What's one thing you've always wanted to have but don't have? Hmm, let's see. A boyfriend without that horrible flair for drama would have to be high on the list, definitely. As much as I love Sean, he can be a horrible pain in the ass (only figuratively, though. Even if I wasn't topping, he's not quite THAT well hung. Not that I said that. No, I would never!) when he gets into his head to. And nosy. Damn is he a nosy bastard sometimes.

Who do you envy? Many people, for different reasons. I envy Ninni her confidence and how... I don't know... She's just very down to earth about stuff, most of the time. I mean, both me, her and Anya would occassionally bounce off the walls, unlike Black, but he was more serious. Ninni's just sensible, yet prone to craziness when the opportunity presents itself. Really, if I liked girls, it would've been her. Feel bad for her that I don't, almost.
I envy Aligo his conviction and independence. He can be stupidly supportive and compassionate, case in point being Artemis, whom he didn't owe a single thing and still took care of since dad and I left, at least.
I envy Sean for being able to be such a complete dumbass sometimes, without getting called on it or getting in trouble for it. I don't get to be a dumbass! Of course, the whole reason he gets away with it is because I let him, but, you know.
I envy Konah... I don't know. He's gone through a lot of pain to have what he has, but anyone who can be that nice to everyone, despite getting screwed over as much as he has, especially by Jake, well... He's not very bitter or anything, and I wish I could take his lead on that. Turns out I can't, but, well...

Do you like animals? Yes, I suppose you could say I do like animals. I mean, what with Strek and all... But Joyshine, that's Konah's familiar, can get really fucking annoying when she shoots out under my feet when I'm passing by. Who gets in trouble when she gets stepped on? Not her, that's one thing for sure!

Which animals don't you like? I don't really dislike any, save for, say, vermin and the universally disliked nasty bugs and such. That said, I'm not overly fond of foxes, whatever their shape. They remind me of Raol. It's not that I'd ever be impolite running into a raev on campus, Jake's exgirlfriend, the girl he was dating before she got a restraint order smacked on his ass and he ran into me in his search for new prey, she's quite nice, actually. Raev or no. But in general, I don't really trust foxes.

Do you hunt? If so, for food or pleasure? I've gone on hunt with Strek a time or two, but I don't hunt with my gun. Chasing down rabbits and other little game, and we took down a young roe deer once. When I hunt in cougar-body, I'll eat a bit of our prey, but even then I don't really like the taste of raw meat, or eating it that way in general, so I leave most of it for Strek. It's mainly just to keep him company, really, though I admit it can be exciting.

Do you eat meat? Provided it's not bacon, processed meat, or anything similar, I'll eat it if it's lean. Greasy food makes me sick.

Which animal do you most closely identify with? Why isn't THAT a no-brainer. Strek is my other half, and I can change into a cougar. What do yout fucking THINK?

Which animal do you most closely identify your mate with? Sean doesn't really compare much to an animal. Puts his nose into my business far too much, and is far too obnoxious... What animal I know of does that sound like? Aside from Joyshine. Because he sure as hell doesn't make people smile just by showing up, most of the time. Unless it's me, and we haven't been fighting. But people in general, nope!

Are you superstitious? I've been far too busy worrying about real problems, to worry about made-up ones.

What is your most embarrassing superstition? I have a bunch of strange habits regarding the handling of edged weapons, or imitations thereof. It's the only thing I can really think of, that might qualify as superstitious, that I do. Anya always looked like he wanted to hit me on the head when I wouldn't pick up one of our padded mock-swords and put it back down without first hitting something with it. It's a tool of war, it deserves to see some use when it's taken out, that's all.

Do you believe in the devil? His name is Rock and he somehow managed to woo my mother. He's a right asshole, too.

Do you believe in karma? Good things do come to those that deserve them. I don't.

Do you carry a talisman/lucky charm/etc.? You could say that... Kind of. There's the bracelet, it makes me a bit more comfortable, and when I'm feeling bad, that awful shirt Ninni knit for me cheers me up a bit. I mean... Who wouldn't be cheered up by that? At least I knit better than she does!

Country or City? I like the city, I've lived in the capital of Saghas since I was little, and I live in the capital of Tragash right now. Loch Lyeon was okay when I was a little kid, but now it seems rather, I don't know... Sometimes, before I came here, I thought I'd choke or wither away simply from not really meeting that many people. And Loch Lyeon is still large compared to some places, like White Sow.

Water or Alcohol? I'll take water. I couldn't afford to drink, even if I had someone to do it with, and drinking alone just wouldn't be a good idea with me, I suspect.

Black or White? That question is kind of ironic, considering I was the white half of Black and White before me and Black got into that stupid disagreement.

Day or Night? I'm an around-the-clock person. I like early mornings, and I like late nights. Mid-days could go drown themselves, though, most of the time, far as I'm concerned.

Pain or Pleasure? Pleasure, please, thank you very much. Don't get me started on the other bit. Been there, tried that, wasn't for me at all.

Life or Death? I don't mind being alive at present, though I've wished I could just die often enough, recently. And people seem to agree with that wish, half the time.

What are you afraid of? I'd say nothing, but that'd be lying. I'm at least moderately worried about the jocks going to far in their games of kick the fag, I'm afraid of my mother's boyfriend, because if nobody stops him soon I think he will end up landing me in the hospital, and I know from experience I most likely won't tattle if that happens. Oh, and Raol fucking scares me, simply because he is so fucking nuts, I have no way of predicting what the hell he'd do if he got a hold of me again. Probably nothing pleasant, since last I heard he blames me for losing Artemis, too. That was all his own fault, but he'd never admit as much.

How do you deal with your fears? For the most part, I try to ignore them. They're not generally very here-now type fears. The times I've been really scared out of my fucking mind this school year were when Jake tried to kill me, when I threw up after dinner and it burned all the way up again, and when I accidentally let it slip to Mischa I'd done her boyfriend. She wasn't very happy with me, see, and she sure acted like she wanted to crack my skull open. And all of those times, I've acted differently. Called Kon for help with Jake, tried to shrug the thing about the food poisoning off until it turned out Kon was in trouble, too, and stupidily goaded Mischa on when she was already pissed at me.

Why did you cry most recently? I think probably because I was frustrated with Sean getting on my case, and worried he'd leave me for it. I don't really keep track, but that's usually the reason.

What was the worst pain you've experienced? Having someone twist and pull at a fresh nipple piercing is NOT pleasant. Much less two at the same time. And Aligo wonders why I don't like Artemis, geez. She's damned lucky she didn't rip them out or anything, or she would've been in for a world of hurt and trouble.

What is the worst injury or illness you've experienced? My dorm neighbors deciding they don't like me and Konah, and slipping some dehydrated copper salt of some kind into our salt shaker. That earned me a trip to the ER, a forcible outing to my mother and Rock due to my very blonde boyfriend, two weeks in the hospital, and some unneeded extra weight. Damn it. I'm still mad at Sean for getting me to sign those fucking release forms to let them keep me there that long, even if he partially at least made up for it by somehow making it so that dad could visit me. Still. Corrosive food poisoning isn't pretty, I don't reccomend trying it at home. I'm glad I managed to escape lasting damage.

What do you most dread losing? Strek, and after that, control over my own life.
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