1. Your Name:
Analinn Irenown. ...For now.
2. Your age:
3. Describe yourself:
I'm relatively short (5'5"). I have wavy brown hair and blue eyes. I'm fairly strong and lean but my mother has it in her head that bigger = fatter and puts me on diets on occasion.
4. Describe your mate (if applicable):
Better than yours, bitch.
5. Where (and when) do you live?:
Irenown Manor, Upper Sevelin. ...For now.
6. What's your favourite sweet? (It is so a basic!):
Processed sugar and caffeine.
Questionnaire #2 -- Favourites
What is your favourite...
1. Season?
2. Food?
Sugary cereals.
3. Animal?
Uh. Dogs by default?
4. Colour?
Blue that matches my eyes.
5. Time of day?
After dinner. :)
6. Weapon?
I have a knife that's plenty sharp, but I prefer my mind.
Questionnaire #3 - Background
Tell us about...
1. Your place of birth.
Irenown Manor. Great place.
2. Your childhood.
"You will be Queen whether you like it or not now quit making your sister do all the work" + "Over my dead body will you marry that boy" + "When are you going to learn to be responsible?" + "Take a good look at these Senators' sons; you'll be marrying one of them."
3. Your parents.
Mother: Queen Linnae Irenown. I have mixed feelings on her, but everyone else adores her.
Father: Consort Davin Irenown. Ditto.
4. Your siblings.
Four sisters. Twin Linnana, who is smarter, prettier, and overall a better person and definitely a better Heir than me. Janae, three years younger and a metaphorical pyromaniac. Yanna, five years younger and a mouse; she's hiding a spine somewhere. And Dela, eight years younger and a pain in the ass brat.
5. Your (current) home.
The Manor. For now.
6. Your favourite "hang out".
Middle Sevelin. :)
Questionnaire #4 - Skills
1. Can you read?
Can you imagine the queen's daughter being illiterate? HAH.
2. Can you write?
See above.
3. Can you sing?
4. Can you play an instrument?
5. What languages do you speak?
This one. There's only one.
6. What weapons can you use?
A knife and my brain.