Name: Locrine Whittle
Gender: Male
Blood Type: B
Birthday/Sign: October 10th / Libra
Age: 19
Occupation: Assistant Librarian
Room: 608
Appearance: Being around 6', Locrine is a rather tall person. His weight has never really matched that height, so people have made jokes about him being a stick or being noodle-armed before. His skin tone leans more toward pale as he doesn't really get out as much as he should, but his eyes are a vibrant spring green in color. His light ash blonde hair never seems to be a uniform length. While it seems even enough in the back, it's usually left in choppy uneven length in the front. It definitely screams "I cut my own hair without looking in a mirror," but he does at least attempt to style it. That usually ends up looking rather messy as the day wears on as well, but he usually parts and combs it to the left. For more formal events he'll put more effort into making it look like a proper hair style should look. Otherwise he doesn't see what the point is when he spends most of his day working in a student library anyway. More often than not he has a gentle air to him, so as far as expressions go he usually ranges from that to one of consistent curiosity. He does his best not to show it when he's sad about something and anger is simply not something in his nature.
When it comes to clothing, he dresses as one would expect a young gentleman to dress. He has always been a lover of the school's uniform as a vest and button up shirt has almost always been a typical sort of outfit for him. He'll sometimes wear reds, pinks, or greens when not specifically in school uniform, but he can usually be seen in gray pants and vest with a white shirt. Tie will depend on whether or not he's working and he'll only go vest-less when he's being casual back at the dorms. He is also extremely fond of suspenders. It's a rare sight to see him without suspenders unless he's in something like pajamas, gym clothes, or swimwear.
As the only sort of hat he can be seen in is usually a black pageboy cap and shoes are just the typical black dress shoes, the only accessory he has otherwise would be a pocket watch. There's not really any significance to it. It was just a gift from his aunt on his previous birthday.
Personality: Outwardly, Locrine seems like a simple enough person. He comes across as kind, docile, diplomatic, generous, caring, loving, and any other sort of adjective you would give a benevolent person. Beyond all else, he strives to keep the people around him happy and will do his best to maintain some sort of harmony. In other words, the guy may as well have "DOORMAT" written in big letters across his forehead. Especially toward women. He was raised as a proper gentleman and his natural tendency to always treat every female like a lady regardless of age or personality mixed in with his years at Adessi Hall have made him almost a bit nervous around women. It went without saying that he got pushed around quite a bit.
So, that nervousness has caused him to keep to himself a bit more. He's not shy or afraid, just a little paranoid. Otherwise when people talk to him and do try to socialize with him he always proves to be friendly, curious, and excited to engage in conversation. For that reason, many of the students who know him as an acquaintance think well of him. He's always been the cool and helpful librarian, or upperclassmen for the older students that had classes with him.
However, opinions start to sway the more someone gets to know him. Many who have gotten to know him as more than just the nice librarian or former upperclassman would claim that he is weirder than snow on a hot summer's day. When it comes to what's deeper down, people just assume the worst from his mind because he's always been a bit... different. Some go so far as to call him a rather "troubled" individual. He wouldn't consider himself as such, but it has always been very clear that he mentally works on a different level than most.
He's usually criticized as being a grown man who still acts like a child before anything, and he can indeed be a very playful person. He was the sort of child that loved having fun and he never grew out of that. However, there is a lot more to it than just that, but one would have to hang around him and talk to him before they realized he's missing a few marbles upstairs. As explained in his history, he's been bouncing along through what one could consider mild schizophrenia since childhood. His behavior is noted for being extremely disorganized in thought, speech, and mood. Little things that are usually otherwise meaningless swing his moods in different directions and can completely derail whatever train of thought he had a second before. He can go from calmly reading a book one minute to excitedly trying to figure out the very best way to cut a pineapple the next. When he gets into conversations that deeply interest him that same excitement will turn into incessant chattering that goes off into mid-sentence topic changes that really have nothing to do with whatever they were talking about before. In short, he's very good at confusing people even though everything he says and does makes perfect sense to himself at the time.
Though as excited, random, and energetic as he becomes, he has never been a threat or danger to anyone. He may be a difficult and exhausting handful for the people he is closest to, but he has always stayed true to his gentle and peace-loving nature. He does have his bad days where he'll wish he could stay in bed all day and he'll act completely lifeless, but those days are far less common than his other habits since he's usually in a good mood. Or, well, he at least pretends that he's in a good mood to keep the other people around him happy. In general, he's an extremely sweet social creature.
With all of that said, he may be mentally in another world from time to time, but he has never been stupid. It may not be as immediately obvious to someone so focused on his disorganized thought processes, but he's very observant with an impressive capacity to memorize the world around him in detail. You move his toothbrush an inch to the right? He will notice. Paranoid sometimes? Well... sometimes. But just in general, he's the sort of person that can read a Shakespeare play in his free time and then recite the whole thing back to you. The issue is that when he does recite the whole thing back to you, it probably won't be in its original form. It would be more like a disorganized mishmash of the lines with a little extra pulled from other sources based on some sort of order or pattern that he created in his head. Patterns, mathematics, and numbers have always been his main area of expertise, and he implements that into everything. While those seem to be disorganized every now and then as well, he can usually pull apart anything and find some sort of numeric pattern in it. He can act as a human calculator when the people around him need one, but... well, all of that is actually pretty pointless. Thankfully, all of this makes him an excellent librarian. The Dewey Decimal system doesn't have anything on him.
History: In 1915, the year after the start of the first World War, Locrine was born to two happy parents in the English town Bradford on Avon. Lucetta stayed at their country house, looking after her child, while Malcolm took part in the war as a pilot who would become an Air Commodore in the Royal Air Force. He reached flying ace status and had a great career. However, he was shot down in 1918. Lucetta was crushed, but focused her attentions on what she needed to do to take care of her son. So, Locrine was raised a rather pampered and shelled-in only child. He spent most of his days reading in the fields without a care in the world. However, at the same time he turned out surprisingly humble and kind.
Life was good, even though after the first world war the British Economy feel into depression due to war debts and rebuilding costs. As they were from a well-to-do family, Locrine and his mother did alright by themselves, but the hardships in the rest of the country and the difficulty with the people around them got to Lucetta after awhile. Her sister constantly attempted to coax her into moving to America to live with her and her husband, but her stubborn English pride kept her at home. At least for a little while. However, worrying for her son's upbringing and education, she finally gave in. Lucetta sold their property, packed what was important, and left most everything else with her parents. At the age of eleven, Locrine and his mother shipped themselves off to start a new life in the United States. It was certainly... different. The attitude of the culture anyway.
After a few months, he had adjusted well enough. He was a bit odd, of course, but his nature made him likable so fitting into his new school was easy. Meanwhile his mother was enjoying herself at the social gatherings with her sister ad brother-in-law. The two of them felt comfortable in calling America their new home.
This all lead to something rather unexpected for him. His aunt had managed to convince his mother that it was a good idea to arrange Locrine into the marriage when the opportunity came up. With his mother convinced, he had no room to say no. They had a good family name, but Locrine had no sort of business to inherit outside of his uncle's. His mother didn't really have much faith in anything he would get into on his own, so it only seemed suitable to shove him toward something. However, he admittedly wasn't too thrilled with the idea. He was a bit afraid of the female gender and had basically stayed away from that sort of idea for much of his life. It wasn't until he actually met Millie herself that he felt alright about it. He was rather taken with the whimsical charm she seemed to have about her, completely oblivious that there was anything wrong with it. Or, at least, in his view of things.
Unfortunately, after having time to get to know her better for about a year, she just started to ignore him. At first he just figured that she was busy with school or her own friends, but after awhile he became terrified that he had done something to upset her. Like the brave man he was, Locrine took the route of avoiding her to make her happy. He just couldn't work up the nerve to do anything more than that. A few years went by that way, and he graduated from Adessi.
His mother and aunt had made it very clear that they had hopes for him to go to Cambridge. Honestly, he became very excited about the idea himself. He applied, was accepted, and then realized what going to the college would mean for him. It was a terrible mistake when the actual gravity of the situation hit him. For various reasons, he just wasn't ready to go back to England. There were too many things he needed to take care of first. To buy himself some time in the least conspicuous way possible, Locrine accepted a position offered to him by the school's head librarian, and became the faculty resident advisor as well as the assistant librarian. Which basically meant he ran the library while the head librarian wandered off on trip after trip.
Weapon: Canes
Stats: Agility, Magic, Vitality, Strength, Luck
Persona: White Rabbit (Moon Rabbit)
Strength: Status
Weakness: Slash Physical
Primary Skillset: Scanning (Field)
Secondary Skillset: Recovery
Other: Despite superstition, his rabbit's feet are not very lucky. Also, his mun apologizes that this profile was a total tl;dr.