
Feb 04, 2014 03:48

Awesomeness By Analysis - May or may not be actually helpful. Mostly the latter.
Bookworm - He can fly twice as high!
British Accent - I want this voice actor. :|
Clock King - Everything is always ticking and tocking.
Good With Numbers - 1+1=2! YAY.
High Class Glass - There is headcanon for this, honest.
If My Calculations Are Correct - Lolol.
Koan - He needs more of these to make his brain stop every now and then.
Mad Mathematician - Mad? Nonsense! Okay, yes, he really, really is.
Mouthful of Pi - 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620.....
Quitessential British Gentleman - He's always the gentleman. Always. Forever.
Room Full of Crazy - He hasn't written on his walls, but expect plenty of papers taped everywhere when he gets into something.
The Smart Guy - He is the chick in his five token band, but he is quite the brain.
Sounding It Out - AGAIN, NOT JUST FOR MOD REASONS. He likes talking aloud. It helps him think sometimes.
Spot of Tea - Everything is better with tea. Duh.

Perfectly Arranged Marriage - Arranged marriage? Check. Perfectly arranged? At the moment that's very one-sided.
Hopeless Suitor - Close enough.
I Want My Beloved To Be Happy - Hidehidehide.
Unwanted Spouse Fiancé - Sob.
Wacky Marriage Proposal - Expect this or this. Potentially both. HE MEANS WELL.

Enemy Scan - Well, duh.
Everything Sensor - Duh.
Follow The White Rabbit - Duh.
Formulaic Magic - Don't ask questions, just go with it.
Stat-O-Vision - Duuuuh.


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