I just watched the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who and it was damn good! I shouldn't be surprised as everyone's been raving about it for years BUT I've seen two of the Tennant Christmas specials and I really did not get the appeal. Frankly, I thought they were awful.
I decided to try out the new series since, yeah, massive hype. Also, I'm not a David Tennant fan (although I hear he is a really lovely person) so I thought the fact that there was a different Doctor might make it a little more accessible for me.
I could definitely see the good fun & family entertainment side of this episode but I didn't feel it went too far into the realms of hamtastic campfest (which was basically how I felt about the Christmas specials I saw. Everything went just a teeny bit too far for me). There was definitely room to relate to the characters a bit and it did the nice sci-fi thing of making it seem like it might almost be able to just happen in real life with the 'corner of your eye' thing & everyone thinking Amy had made the Doctor up. I wouldn't be surprised if those sort of elements receeded a little in the rest of the series though.
But, yeah, I'm really surprised how much I enjoyed it!
I don't mean to diss the previous series. I just didn't get the bits I'd watched so the hype surrounding new!Who was kind of lost on me. (For the record, I did have a proper British childhood so I watched a good amount of old!Who on video as a kid. It was sort of terrifying.)