As promised, the first part of the first story of my folklore book :) Let me know what you think.
Long ago, when Time did not know what is was to be old, there was no water anywhere in the world. There were great, grey mountains that stretched up into the air past sight; there were lush green valleys bursting with blosom and bird-song. But nowhere in the entirety of existance could you find a single babbling brook.
In these days Earth and Sky lived together in the air. They had never been apart and because of this they had never known a moment of sorrow. Everyday they came down to the world and tended to it. Earth sang her life song and danced lightly upon the soil. Trees heavy with fruit burtst forth where she tred; flowers of intoxicating scent flowed from her voice. Sky brought warmth and illumination to all places.
Because there was no water on the world Earth and Sky brought clouds from the air and scattered the moisture on the backs of the Winds. The grasses and trees saoked up the mists and the animals drank the morning dew. And so it was, the bringers light and life walked open-hearted upon the world and all creatures drank of the work of thier hands.