Title: Marian's ballad part 2
Author: outlawgirl16
Written for: anyone and everyone
Pairing: Robin/Marian Guy/Marian
Spoilers: none at all unless you haven't watched the first series
Rating: PG
Robin's return sent shock waves throughout Nottingham, and even though i was pleased that he was no longer a dead man he still was not forgiven. i didn't expect him at my door that day, i just thought it was a couple of crooks hoping to trick my father and steal his money. Until i saw Robin's trademark cheeky grin i knew instantly it was him and it shocked me but i had to keep a cool head.
He had come face to face with my arrow and yet he still didn't back down. Robin wasn't know for giving up. i just wished and wished he would leave soon so i could break down and cry like i felt like doing. He had broken my heart by leaving and then he returned, the dead man returned.
When he finally had left i slammed the door behind me and place my back against it. Then against my own will i collapsed to the floor almost in tears, i began to hyperventilate and my father began to worry about my health. The tears began to cascade down my cheeks and i just couldn't stop them.
Then at the council of nobles he came swanning in, in his usual self righteous self and i felt like breaking down in tears once more. He spoke down to the sheriff and flaunted his policies something i respected, everyone wanted to they just never had the guts. But i still thought Robin was a fool and he proved that at the execution.
When those arrows hit the rope my heart stopped and i just couldn't believe Robin could be so stupid, but then again it was Robin. He was a fool and he was bound to die now which was a shame because he survived 5 years in the crusades only to be killed by the Nottingham town guards that were anything but smart.
I had a chance to save him and although it could have been the worst decision in my life or the best but i saved him. When the guard aimed his arrow at Robin i could only feel sorry for him and then my mind began to race. I searched everywhere for something i could do to help him and the only thing i found was my hair pin which was recently sharpened. So i threw it and the arrow missed Robin thank god, but he owed me one.
The idiot outlawed himself and that i did not feel sorry for, he was warned what might happen but still he continued. I don't know weather it was a stupid thing or a wonderful thing but wither way he was hero to the people of Nottingham, and i appreciated that.
As Robin tried to get closer to me i kept pushing him further away, i thought i was over him but i wasn't. It broke my heart when he held an-others child in his arms. He never answered weather it was his or not. and when i was tending to his wounds it broke my heart when i saw the stab wound that was struggling to heal. i was generating feelings for Robin while Guy was generating feelings for me.
Helping the poor comes with consequences and one of them is having your hair sheared off, which is why i still worry about Robin.
Guy was getting closer to me, he had even invited me to be his acquaintance at the Nottingham fair.I felt this was leading to something so i tried to avoid it at all costs. I even tried to avoid him. But in my escapades as the Nightwatchman i was seen by Guy luckily he did not guess it was me even though he had cut my arm and he found the blood in my sleeve, and also despite the obvious breasts even though it tried to hide them best i could they were still pretty obvious.
Robin saved me, from a grieving boy who's father was killed at Guy's mines. He was seeking revenge by killing the one Guy loved which incidentally was me. i tried to talk him out of it but he was not to be won over not even if i pleaded. Then Robin turned up and i was incredibly grateful even though he did owe me it.
My father gave me a choice obey him and stop my escapades as the Nightwatchman or disobey him, i told him i could not obey him without letting him finish the sentence. It was obey him or leave and as i couldn't obey him i had to leave. There was a nun that was seeking refuge at the castle and i asked her permission if i could join her convent. I was sick and tiered of men telling me what to do, its suffocating especially with such an independent woman such as myself.
But to everyone's surprise the Nun wasn't actually a nun and she had tricked us all an i had to remain at Knighton. But my father realized why being the Nightwatchman was so important to me and i could stay and continue to be who i was and still am.
But something tragic happened in the eyes of both Robin and i. i was forced to accept Guy's proposal and become soon to be Lady Gisborne. This broke Robin's heart. i did say i was only going to marry Guy the day the king returned and with it firmly planted in my mind that the king was not going to return i thought i was safe for now. But as Guy grew impatient and i was growing closer and closer to Robin our relationship became dangerous and Guy began to threaten my father and abuse his power, but i had to remain tolerant of Guy's behaviour or rish both my father and i to get punished.
then the "king" returned
to see next instalment clicky here
http://outlawgirl16.livejournal.com/5303.html .