Age: 16
Zodiac: Capricorn
Gender: Female
Gender you'd like to be voted as: Either
Likes:Anime, manga, animals, hiking, people, books, adventure, exploring, reading, hanging with friends
Dislikes:Racists, homophobics, whiners, selfishness, pushiness, fighting, EXTREME pessimists, people who judge without getting to know someone
Strengths: I truly care about other people, I have a sense of self, I know who I am, and don't need to prove it. I'm cheerful a lot of time, but never force myself to be happy. Good things mean more to me than the bad ones, I consistently change my opinion on people based on observations, i'm very adapatble.
Weaknesses:I have difficulty being mean to people or saying no even if I can't stand them. I've gotten better, but I still end up with stalkers and such thanks to that -_-' I keep a lot of things to myself when they're about me. I'm indecisive sometimes, tend to sit on the fence a lot
Hobbies/Talents: Hiking, getting along with others, good with kids and animals, running, drawing, cosplay, climbing
Pet peeves: Just about everything under dislikes
Bad habits: I let a lot things go, even if I shouldn't have. I don't let people walk all over, but don't stand up enough for myself either.
Other traits: I tend to start a conversation, then sit back and let others talk. I subconsciously put myself in another person's place which why I don't like horror movies and am strongly affected by shows
Favourite colour(s): Blue
Favourite music genre: I like a variety actually, rap and most country being the excpetions
Favourite film genre: Action, comedy
Favourite quote: "The lights of life because everyone of those lights is proof that someone is alive."-Chrono Crusade, Mary Magdalene
Favourite Outlaw Star character and why?: Aisha because she amuses me, I want to pet her.
Least Favourite Outlaw Star character and why?: Harry McDougal because he was a creepy stalker
Leader or Follower?: either
Fun or Business?: Fun
Realist or Idealist?: Both, but a little more Idealist
Shy or Outgoing?: Shy with strangers, outgoing with friends
Pessimistic or Optimistic?: Optimistic
Impulsive or Rational?: Impulsive
Manipulative or Easily Influenced?: Influenced
Listener or Speaker?: Listener
Dreams/Goals: Hm... To just enjoy life I suppose and be content with the life I led by the end
Describe yourself in a word: Empathetic
Discuss your personal code of honour, if you have one:Look out for others and do whatever I can to help them, but not damage myself in the process.
Summarize your religious/spiritual beliefs, if any: I support i'm closest to Pagan, I look to the Moon and nature for strength and guidance
Anything Else?: Love sometimes kills, but hatred can never save
Pictures and/or Description. Tall, but not delicate or gangly. I'm built solid, neither fat nor skinny. My hair (dirty blond, darker at the roots)falls just below my shoulder blades, either flowing or braided. I prefer jeans and comfortable clothes