MOD POST Re: Our First Event!

Mar 31, 2011 19:24

As promised, today we've posted the beginnings of our first event! It will be followed up by two threads to be open throughout the weekend four days ((EDITED TO ADD:In-game these threads will take place over one day, but Shirono kindly reminded me that some people work weekends and might have a hard time making it to the threads at reasonable hours of the day or night and would probably also want to contribute. That was me not thinking, SO this event will be up and running for four days./EDIT)) : one thread for the closing ceremonies where characters may or may not interact IRL in the audience (at your discretion) and one for the Lion's game, where characters may generally have a free-for-all (but stripping down in the stands is probably prohibited by public decency laws Tajima).

Feel free to fire off emails to one another (in-character or out) to make plans to meet at the ceremonies or at the game, and remember, just because the ceremonies are for Saitama in particular, students from outside the prefecture are also welcome to get tickets for the Lions game. All Koushien Dream Members who get their tickets through the network will be seated in one section, so feel free to meet in person and mingle with people who aren't on your character's team or from their prefecture.

You can also, during the four days, start additional threads on koushien-e relating to the event but not necessarily belonging in either of the abovementioned threads, for example - running to the concession stand with someone/to run into someone, meeting up before the game, doing things immediately after the game, or doing things during the game that might require their own thread (like, say, naughty things in the bathrooms should be in their own thread and tagged appropriately as adult if they are, you know, hypothetically if you wanted your characters to do hypothetical naughty things in hypothetical bathrooms).

In order to reserve tickets, just have your character comment to the post on koushien-e. Also, it is a lie that there is a limited number -- all players who want to participate will be granted however many tickets they desire.

If you have any questions or if you would like to request the appearance of an NPC in your character's entourage, comment here with "Question" or "NPC Request" in the subject line and the mods will try to fix you up with knowledge and/or NPCs. You can also use this post to plan out potential plot events with other payers in comments, so everybody have a blast!

With love, your mod(s):

PS - I have to give mad props to Heron, btw, because even though I wrote up the copy for this event, she came up with this totally badass idea. I think it is awesome and that you should know that she is the one who thought of this awesome thing that we are doing. Because she is also awesome. ~Mol

PPS - Also, I just remembered that we mods have made an official decision about the timeline for To Koushien! and soon there will be a post explaining continuity and, for example, that currently in-game it is still summer rather than matching the time in-game to the season IRL. If you have specific questions for the sake of what you are doing right this minute, just ask and we'll explain everything.

event, modpost!

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