It's time to say goodbye.

Jul 12, 2005 18:34

Well Folks, I think it's time to call it quits for this journal. Im 2 days short of having this journal 3 years. It's been an up and down 3 years to say the least. Good, bad, ugly, etc. I'm going to keep the journal, but I wont be posting anymore ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

amyleefanatic July 12 2005, 23:16:42 UTC
aw i'd love to stay in touch! i'd mis your work so much.
you'll be getting an email shortly


vikingjente July 13 2005, 00:28:04 UTC
Wow, this was a shock to read. I know we never commented much in each other's journals but I was always intrigued by your photography. I wish you the best of luck!


vamp_rahvin July 13 2005, 00:59:16 UTC
aw just getting to know you. why can't i comment here to be re-added, cause i'm lazy and don't want to email? :p


anddaybreaks July 13 2005, 05:13:42 UTC
i know i never say much, but you are very talented and i wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors in life. i know you will succeed because you have the drive to do so which is half the battle. best wishes.


lollerskates July 13 2005, 08:57:15 UTC
sending email now.

so sorry about the change in plans. hope we can work something out! =/


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