I got a haircut yesterday, it was time, my hair was fried, but before I give you the goods on that lets take a trip back, back to high school, where we will view
ok, to begin, here is my hair in my Senior photo from high school, I was (and still am) a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan, and I loved Darcy's hair in the band, so around age 15 I bleached my hair out and never looked back...
Shortly after high school I was convinced to shave my head, this is one of the few pieces of evidence that remain from that time period…
terrible, isn’t it?
after the hair grew back I tried something different, red!
then I went back to blond. Boring yes, but it works for me.
An example in one of my infamous ‘soda pictures’:
Until about, gosh, almost three years ago I looked at myself and thought that I was holding something back. I wasn’t giving myself the opportunity to try new things in regards to the hair. It took SO FRIGGIN LONG to grow back after the shave that had been afraid to change it at all. This was bad. so I took a daring step....
Dark brown. It suited me. My hair certainly looked healthier that’s for sure! It stayed that way until probably, oh, four months ago when I decided to give myself a lift. As same as it sounds I missed the blond, but I also liked the brown, so I split the difference as displayed in these recent examples:
** these last two pics also feature two of my bestest friends ever ever! Sally and Brian!
So, that brings us up to today, or rather two days ago. My hair was fried. It was breaking off everywhere and I thought I was going bald! So I decided I was gonna cut it myself. Then I got a hold of my senses and went to supercuts. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to the, Chelsea Marie Johnson, Fall 2005:
**As a little bit of a treat, dessert if you will, please click the link below to get some photographic goodness of the guy who wrote the song mentioned in the subject of this entry. Thank you.