Yamada Hanatarou (dontkickmeplz): 5,275 comments (24.40%), played from 2005-09-29 to 2006-12-28 (456 days at 12 comments/day) Kyouyama Anna (heavenismybitch): 744 comments (3.44%), played from 2006-01-12 to 2006-04-12 (90 days at 8 comments/day) Lyra Silvertongue (into_thesky): 1,708 comments (7.90%), played from 2006-05-23 to 2006-09-28 (129 days at
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Age: 16 (First-year high school student) Height: 168 cm (5'6") Weight: 58 kg (128 lb) Eyes: Right: brown. Left: orange-red. (More on that below.) Hair: Bleached sandy blond, naturally brown/black.