Character Name: Rorschach
WatchmenAge: 45
Job: Professor of Conspiracy Theory
Canon: The year is 1985. Earth is clenched in the grip of an aggravated Cold War and a heightened nuclear threat that set the Doomsday Clock at five minutes until midnight. Once, this bleak world had superheroes, but those costumed adventurers (save one) were merely normal people who put on masks and worked outside of the law. Apart from two who agreed to direct government employment, these vigilantes were outlawed nearly a decade ago. And so, the heroes retired -- except for one, who swore never to stop, never to compromise. Now, that one stubborn vigilante discovers that the victim of a recent homicide was once one of America's "superheroes" and uncovers what seems to be a conspiracy to destroy all who once donned masks in the name of justice.
That vigilante is Rorschach, an intelligent, ruthless investigator who refuses to be swayed from his principles. Unfortunately, he is also paranoid, delusional, nihilistic, psychotically violent and a liberal-/commie-hating fascist -- to say nothing of socially awkward to the max. Despite all of that, Rorschach impresses with his doggedness, his genius with improvised weaponry and his deadpan, morbid sense of humor. At the very least, his unusual, abrupt style of speech (which includes an apparently very strict budget for articles and personal pronouns) makes him stand out from the crowd. While speaking in an unnerving clipped monotone (which carries over into his obsessive journal-writing), his language also sometimes has a certain poetry to it. A lone man who refuses to step down against forces much greater than himself, Rorschach might be just clever and persistent enough to have the last word.
Sample Entry:
Unreactive to shower spurting blood. Very suspicious for supposedly innocent camper. Stop screaming and self-abuse and I'll get down from ceiling. View from up here nothing impressive. Have some things to ask you about Director Elizabeth Sayre. Two of us are going for a walk. Hurry and put on clothes. No time to pick up dropped soap.
Weather mild out tonight. Despite weather conditions, odd to have summer camp in middle of swamp in November. Obviously a cover for other activities. Did some research. No taxes paid for past three and a half years. Also, evidence of large-scale prostitution ring. Shameless advertisements of whoring. Even in New York, they make token attempts to veil their illegal, filthy businesses as Chinese massage parlors or clubs for "gentlemen." Still, more honest in a way, to let the rotting corpses of morality be seen in the natural light of day rather than allow the hypocrites to scuttle to their pleasures like vermin under the cover of darkness.
Prostitution not main business transaction, though. Large amounts of money being paid to Russian company. Maybe connected to other strange happenings. Trail of attempted homicides throughout camp. Appears to be a pattern, not just random criminal activity. Purple gorilla in mess hall with knife. White rodent in library with candle- Why suddenly so frightened? Don't say whose name? Know something about candlesticks here? Hrn, not apparently what you expected me to say. What exactly are you expecting?
Claim that you're to take educational course from me? Ridiculous. Not employed by this camp. Any connections between Elizabeth Sayre and me clearly fabricated. Someone is onto me. Willing to provide information? No? Convenient of your companion to join us, then. Will ask... them. Don't know them? Wouldn't guess that from intimate physical relations you're having. Usually have more pressing matters than inappropriate public displays of affection, but interrogation in process here. You know anything about educational courses described by your companion? Try too hard to move and your arm will be broken-
-off? Unfortunate. Unresponsive to verbal or physical persuasion. Hrn-! Humerus through eye socket sent message, though. And received surprising coherent spoken complaint of "that clamped my style." Apparently was an Asian operative. Still, your previous claims of unfamiliarity more believable. But a zombie? Why the living dead? Possibly regenerated somehow with radioactivity from lake. Their purpose unclear. String of attempted murders could be effort to increase their number. Not very effective as army, though. Would fall to pieces at encountering the least resistance. Ha ha ha.
...Was a joke. Nothing to be learned from juvenile delinquent like you. Communism just a red herring. Motivations of zombies indicate human organ harvesting business at work here. Right now, only luring whore-loving dregs of society as victims. Could easily turn into a pandemic, though. Will stop it before it gets beyond these vermin. The nuclear swamp water will sweep their decaying feet out from underneath them and all the zombies will look up and moan "Braaaaaaaaaains!" ...and I'll look down and whisper-
...not "iyan dame dame." Just "no."
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