one word: mold.

Nov 01, 2011 01:46

My roommate and I have had a lot of issues with our apartment ever since we moved in. First, it wasn't cleaned thoroughly before we took over the lease and had to get our landlord to get someone in to clean. Then, there were a lot of broken things that we needed him to fix. Then, there was the noise. The insulation between our ceiling and our ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

slowtech November 1 2011, 09:17:54 UTC
that's so grossssssssssss. that seriously sucks. hopefully neither of you will get sick from that. but it's awesome that you're getting help from all these people! helpful people rule.


_allshallfade November 1 2011, 14:47:08 UTC
Holy shit, that is disgusting. I hope you guys manage to get out of there ASAP.


astrofisica November 1 2011, 16:04:30 UTC
Your landlord is absolutely terrible. I hope you win any and all cases against him.


xforgottendream November 2 2011, 00:23:13 UTC
Ugh, Linds, that totally blows. If I were you, I'd go straight to the city and tell them you have major mold issues and a landlord who has offered little to no assistance.

As a renter you have rights and the guy needs to adhere. Plus, he could be breaking some city health codes as well. I say go around your landlord and take it straight up to the city of Long Beach.


cindy November 2 2011, 19:41:17 UTC
Ew! That's actually detrimental to your health, so technically, the landlord should be taking the responsibility here. Good luck!


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