((OOC: I hope this is all right. It's an AU!version of Martha from
beyondtherift. Just thought it'd be... incredibly amusing.))
Martha Jones had just finished telling the Doctor to take care of himself and was heading back into the medical room.
Except that the medical room is not the medical room at all. For a moment, she thinks she made a wrong turn and Brando managed to create another room in the basement out of seemingly thin air, but this is an Inn, not just a room, and why would Brando make an Inn in the basement of his bloody hotel?
So she must be dreaming, except she hasn't been to bed in two nights and it seems improbable she would have fallen asleep mid-step.
Oh, God. She's... she can't have fallen through another Rift somehow to an entirely different world- Just-
"Bloody hell," Martha murmurs, freezing right there, unable to process this. What kind of horrible luck must she have to fall through two Rifts? And oh God, the Doctor and Des and everyone and- "Not good."