Name: Elizabeth Kair!
Nicknames: Liz, Lizz, Lizeth, Lizzie, Kair, Roxas, King Mickey, and my personal favorite, "go back to where you came from".
Gender: Female.
Age: 14
Birthdate: February 26
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Location: STALKERS! California
Likes: I like lots of things. Especially random things. I like when my friends talk about random stuff that makes us bust up. I also like writing, rock music, reading, manga . . . the color of the sky before the sun sets, the sound of a sharp pencil when you write with it . . . and video games. Yesssssvideogames. :D
Dislikes: I am very against stereotypes. They're just not cool. I don't like war, especially meaningless and pointless wars that spill blood without even a real reason. It's stupid. I dislike when my friends are sad, because . . . it makes me sad. I also dislike headaches and Barbie dolls.
Strong Points: Uhm . . . I'm self-motivated for the most part. I can make people laugh, my friend tells me I'm resourceful, quick-witted, modest, and brutally honest. I am also there to listen whenever someone needs me.
Weak Points: I'm a nutcase/idiot/stupid piece of crap. My self esteem is so low that it's burning up in the earth's inner core. I'm a loner by nature, I don't seem to be interesting to listen to, I'm such a nerd that people make fun of me, I'm indecisive, I can make myself cry by scolding myself so much, I'm athletically-challenged, and the saddest part about me is that I can go on and on with this list.
Hobbies: I like writing. Really. Some people say I'm good at it, but I think I can be better.
Talents: I'm not really good at anything . . . except maybe *a little good* at writing . . . and algebra and science. o_o I play piano and bass guitar, but I don't find myself to be very good at it.
Color: Gray
Food: Sushi . . . and fried rice. xD
Drink: Uhmm . . . strawberry . . . fruit . . . smoothie???
Animal: Wolf. :x
Band(s): Linkin Park (hell yeah), Graham Colton Band, Utada Hikaru, Fort Minor, and Nobuo Uematsu. x___x
Song(s): "Calling" by Kyosuke Himuro, "By Myself" by Linkin Park
Movie(s): "Spirited Away", "The Outsiders", "Crash"
Book(s): "The Alchemist", "The Outsiders" (duh xD)
Quote: "If the burden is mine, then I can carry my own."