Jul 15, 2004 11:51

-Attention-Attention-Attention-Attention-Attention-Attention-Attention-Attention ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

Mike YOU IDOIT deb8g33k July 15 2004, 23:05:18 UTC
Have you ever heard of independent study? Ask a professor of they will give a unit of independent study, the speech team uses it sometimes if thier competitors dont have enough, you should be able to get it. Youll have to do like a project, and then you get 1 unit.

or* You can take bowling, its 1.5 units and a lot of fun. it runs about 1-3 on monday or a couple of other days, check it out foo.


Re: Mike YOU IDOIT ovenchild July 18 2004, 09:25:40 UTC
if you were my son i would abort you


Re: Mike YOU IDOIT deb8g33k July 18 2004, 14:44:38 UTC
*Breach Of Critical Thinking*

I wouldnt be your son if you aborted me, because I would never truly be alive. Second, you would have to have sex to be a father. Third, ya thats all I can say. But where's the thank you? Thats bomb advice.


Re: Mike YOU IDOIT ovenchild July 19 2004, 08:07:24 UTC
yeah it's great advice...i just have a lot of personal issues with SCHOOL/WORK/FREE TIME/FORENSICS/SPOUSAL ABUSE....2 may have to go...haven't committed to which one though


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