well, my first day at giant tiger was yesterday and it was the easiest job of my life. i met a couple new people, nicole and her boyfriend chris who both work at giant tiger, and they seem like nice people
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i hate horseflies more than i hate anything else in this world. they sink their fucking teeth into my flesh and now i'm missing skin. haha. it's not as gross as i'm making it out to be
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i've had a really good weekend. i laughed so hard i almost peed. and then my cousin was wearing a "try hugs not drugs" sweater whilst smoking a joint. this is why i almost peed.
i went to oshawa on saturday, and no, andrew was not there so stop asking me people. anyways. i hung out with angelkins and harley... we took pictures of vagina cream and bought dumb headbands that i will hold close to my heart forever. hahaha
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